Chapter 17: Project Orochi

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However, unbeknownst to the entire island, someone was heading directly towards it...


Enterprise was laying on her bed with a cold towel placed on her forehead. She was asleep as Belfast stood by her side and soon Benfold joined her.

Benfold: "What happened to her last night..?"

Belfast: "I am not certain but she passed out in the hallway."

Benfold: "Could it be from the stress..?"

Belfast: "Possibly."

As they were talking, they noticed Enterprise move a bit and the towel fell from her forehead. Belfast went to pick it up but stopped once Enterprise sat up. Enterprise began to get up from the bed but nearly fell. Belfast and Benfold tried to help her but she looked at them with a serious look.

Enterprise: "Don't help me."

Soon, Enterprise stood up and threw on her hat and her jacket before going to the table where her rations bar were however there were none and so she decided to go without eating.

Belfast: "You should eat, Ms. Enterprise."

Enterprise: "No, I'm fine."

Benfold: "Bel's right, you need to eat, Enty."

Enterprise: "Ben, you don't need to worry about me. I said I'm fine."

Before Enterprise could say anything, Belfast grabbed her by the tie and she had a very serious and intimidating look on her face, sending a shiver down Benfold's spine. Soon, Belfast began to pull Enterprise out of her room and towards the cafeteria everyone was at with Benfold behind them.

Enterprise: "H-Hey! S-Stop! Let go! Are you even listening?!"

They passed by Javelin, Unicorn and Ayanami who were sitting down on a few couches. This caught their attention as they saw Belfast pulling Enterprise with Benfold in tow. They were surprised after the trio left.

Javelin: "Huh, huh? What was that?"

Ayanami: "Surprised."

Unicorn: "I never seen Belfast like that.."

Once Belfast, Enterprise, and Benfold made it to the cafeteria, Belfast ordered food for Enterprise and brought them to a seat, forcing Enterprise to sit down with the tray full of food. Benfold sat down next to Enterprise and decided to watch the two interaction.

Belfast: "Eat."

Enterprise: "I said I.."

Belfast: "Eat."

Benfold then whispered to Enterprise.

Benfold: "Just eat Enty.."

Enterprise: "Y-Yes..."

Enterprise gave a sigh and she looked at her tray for a bit before picking up the yogurt and began eating it. However their actions were noticed by everyone in the cafeteria.

???: "Whats going on?"

???: "Lovers quarrel?!"

Belfast: "If you had a decent meal, you would not be so preoccupied with negative thoughts."

Enterprise quietly sat there and continued to eat the yogurt.

Belfast: "As I have mentioned before, you do not favor fighting."

Enterprise: *in a low voice* "Yes. I think I might be afraid of the ocean."

Belfast: "But you kept fighting. Why is that?"

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