Chapter 16

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But soon something extraordinary was going to happen...


They were back at base, repairing their ships and even some having to go to the medical bay to get checked up on by Vestal, the repair ship who also acted as a doctor when needed. Abraham stood at the docks, watching as some of the ships were being pulled into the repair station as they were damaged and the rest were still intact and capable of operation.

Maryland: "Sir, we have a POW."

Abraham: "Bring her to Wales, Maryland. I think it would be more valuable to her than me as of right now, I have to make sure everyone is accounted for and those who are missing will be recovered by me."

Maryland: "Yes sir. I'll bring her to Wales then. Good luck with your tasking."

Abraham: "Thank you."

Soon Abraham was looking back out of the ocean as Maryland alongside Laffey and Javelin, began to take Ayanami into the base to put her in a cell as she was now a POW. Maryland ordered the two to watch over her before making the report to Wales, who seemed to be interested as Ayanami could have information about the Sakura Empire.

Wales: "Bring her in. I need to ask her questions regarding the Sakura Empire."

Maryland: "Yes ma'am. Should I bring in Laffey and Javelin? They seem to personally know her and people who are surrounded by those they know, they tend to speak and tell the truth. Well some times. Most of the time we just do what the CIA does.."

Wales: "CIA?"

Maryland: "Nothing ma'am. I'll bring them in now."

Maryland left to fetch the three, leaving Wales confused. While leaving her office and heading to the cell, she spotted Enterprise walking to her dorm room, followed by Benfold and Belfast.

Maryland: "Maybe she's down.. Go support her Benfold..."

Maryland was talking to herself as they left the area, hoping Benfold didn't hear her cheer him on as she noticed the change in his behavior towards Enterprise. Soon, she made it to the cell room as Ayanami was sitting on a clean and nice bed while Laffey and Javelin guarded the room.

Maryland: "Javelin, Laffey. New orders by Wales. She would like to speak to her."

She pointed to Ayanami but before she was going to leave, Ayanami spoke.

Ayanami: "My name is Ayanami.."

Maryland turned to look at her and gave a gentle smile.

Maryland: "Thank you for the heads up Ayanami. Laffey and Javelin will escort you to Ms. Wales for a talk."

Maryland then turned and began walking as Ayanami followed behind her with Laffey and Javelin behind her. Soon, they reached the office where Wales was and Maryland knocked on the door.

Wales: "Come in."

They entered the room and they had Ayanami sit down in a chair directly in front of Wales as the trio stood behind her, watching her every move. Soon, they began to talk about the Sakura Empire.

Back at the docks

Nevada: "Abraham! Have you seen Oklahoma?!"

Abraham: "No, I haven't. Is she missing?"

Nevada: "I can't find her! I asked everyone around but they couldn't find her!"

Abraham: "Copy that. All F-35s, prepare for launch. We have a high value target missing. Scout the area immediately including the glaciers. Cole, Fitzgerald, on me!"

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