Chapter 28: Hornet and Hill

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*Warning, this chapter will have a mature scene. Those who are underaged and those who do not like mature scenes will be warned early in advance when that scene arrives in this chapter and are advised to skip it. However, I will let readers know when that scene begins and ends with these words "Start of Mature Scene" and "End of Mature Scene." You have been warned.*

The two left once more, walking around the base, taking a look at what the others were doing and how they were decorating things. They continued to do so until a few hours had pass in which they had to head to the canteen to meet Yorktown once again for tonight's dinner.


Time: 3:00 pm

Location: Canteen

The place was bustling with activities as every member of Azur Lane, including CSG 3, Sakura Empire, Iron Blood, Northern Parliament, Dragon Empery, Iris Libre, Vichya Dominion, and the Sardegna Empire, were present. Hill and Hornet had a bit of a struggle finding Yorktown in this gathering of every nation but they noticed that everyone was enjoying themselves. The destroyers were running around, playing with one another as the others were chatting except for Ark Royal. She wasn't allowed to be near any of the destroyers and she was being watched by Abraham.

Hornet: "Seems like Ark Royal is afraid of Abraham..."

Hill: "Yeah.. I'm scared of him too whenever he's serious or pissed off.."

Hornet: "Reminds me of sis.."

Hill: "Enterprise or Yorktown?"

Hornet: "Enterprise.. She's changed a lot though so she isn't as scary as before."

While they were talking, a large gunshot could be heard, causing them to turn to look only to find that Abraham had fired a shot from his CIWS at Ark Royal who was hiding behind one of the tables, terrified that he would shoot at her again.

Abraham: "What did I just say?!"

Ark: "I'm sorry!"

Without them noticing, Wales was standing at his side but when she spoke, her tone was dead serious and it seemed she was upset with the two of them.

Wales: "Ark Royal, Abraham Lincoln. Outside. Now."

Abraham and Ark: "Y-Yes ma'am.."

The two then left the room with Wales following behind them. Soon Hood and Illustrious got up and went after them.

Hill: "And he's dead.."

Hornet: "And so is Ark Royal.."

???: "First time I heard her say Admiral's full name."

???: "Yep. He's fucked."

Hill and Hornet turned to see Benfold and Cole standing behind them, talking about what just happened.

Hill: "Hey Ben. Hey Cole."

Benfold: "Hey Hill."

Cole: "Hi."

Hornet: "Hey you two. Have you seen Yorktown?"

Benfold: "Yorktown? Yeah, she's with Enterprise. They're both sitting down at a table with NorthHampton, Alabama, Tennessee, Chicago and Anzio."

Cole: "Hey, speaking of which, Yorktown was looking for you both so let's head over there."

The four then headed over to a table where Yorktown and the others were. It seemed she was talking with Alabama and Tennessee, wanting to know everything that has happened when she was still out of commission. Chicago and NorthHamptom, however, were teasing Anzio due to her quiet and shy nature. The two could be heard giggling as Anzio tried to hide her embarrassed face behind her hands. Enterprise, however, was the first to notice the group coming to them.

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