Chapter 29

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They said as they both panted and soon they held one another as they kissed one last time as they had enjoyed their night. They forgot that it was halloween in which some others were around however the two fell asleep in each other's arms, cuddling with one another as the night passed by without any incident. However, some people nearby who heard it, planned to tease the two when they both woke up the next morning.


(No one's POV)

Halloween has ended and a new day of a new month has started. It seems that everyone had enjoyed the holiday and the final day of the month. Destroyers were exchanging candy with one another, some were chatting about their experience and some were teasing others about being afraid of decorations. However, some people were teasing both Hornet and Hill about last night, out of earshot of everyone else. 

Benfold: "Finally did it, Hill?"

Enterprise: "It seems you two enjoyed the night, didn't you?"

Illustrious: "My, oh my~ If you were any louder, I'm sure the children would've heard you~"

North Hampton: "Hornet doing it during Halloween? Such a perfect time, wasn't it?"

Hornet: "P-Please, don't mention any of it.."

Hill: "Thank god admiral isn't here.."

Benfold: "Why? Afraid he might tease you too?"

Enterprise: "I bet he already knows along with Wales~"

Hill: "I don't know why you're talking, Ben. You and Enterprise did it as well."

Benfold: "That happened a long time ago though."

North Hampton: "He does have a point.."

Enterprise: "Speaking of a point, did he give you a promise ring?"

Hornet: "Yeah, he did. Well right before we had our fun that is.."

Hill: "Wait, Ben, did you give Enterprise her promise ring?"

Benfold: "Of course I did. Admiral gave Wales one as well."

Illustrious: "Wales wears hers like a crowned jewel~"

North Hampton: "Yeah, I've never seen her take it off before."

Hill: "It must mean a lot to her, especially since it's from the admiral."

Benfold: "Of course it does. Enterprise cherishes it a lot."

Enterprise: "Of course I do.. It's a gift from you.."

Before they could say more, Unicorn, Laffey, Javelin and Ayanami came over. The group quickly stopped teasing them and Illustrious looked at her younger sister with a curious look.

Unicorn: "Onee-chan! We're going to go play!"

Illustrious smiled and then she nodded before making a suggestion to join her younger sister, knowing she has already teased the two love birds enough already.

Illustrious: "Shall I come and join you, Unicorn-chan?"

Unicorn: "Yes! Come and play with us, onee-chan!"

Illustrious giggled before leaving with Unicorn and her friends. North Hampton then noticed Helena, Hammam, Long Island and Arizona approaching them.

Arizona: "North Hampton, Wales assigned us a sortie."

North Hampton: "Oh alright.. See ya Hornet~" 

North Hampton then left with Arizona and the others, leaving Hill, Hornet, Benfold and Enterprise together. 

Benfold: "Seems everyone is heading out to do their own things."

Enterprise: "I suppose we should leave as well~"

Benfold: "Alright then. Should we go shopping? I heard that they're building houses on the base now."

Enterprise: "Really? Lets go then!'

The two then left Hill and Hornet alone but they could still be heard talking about the new houses that were being built. It didn't take long for the two voices to be silenced. Hill then looked at Hornet with a smile.

Hill: "If they're building new houses, we should buy one for us."

Hornet: "We should but first, lets go talk with my sister and announce to her about the promise ring."

Hill: "Yeah lets go. She might be overjoyed about it." 

Hornet: "I hope so~"

Soon, they too had left to go see Yorktown in her dorm, letting the autumn leaves to blow in the wind alone. However, the day seemed to have gone by without any incident as many people were doing sorties while others were cleaning up the base of the leftover Halloween decorations, making sure not to miss anything as the new month had started.

(To be continued)

(*Sorry for a short chapter!*)

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