Chapter 19: Reunion of Azur Lane

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Everyone began to laugh a little as they enjoyed seeing Abraham and his groups interaction with one another. They soon returned to the base, not just the Royal Navy or the Eagle Union but rather with everyone from both Iron Blood and Sakura Empire.


Everyone came to the base to help increase their friendship with one another, making amends to help repair their lost friendship. Hood and Bismarck had a rough start but they gradually began to make it up with one another as the others tried to make it up to one another since the war wasn't helpful to them. Gradually everyone became closer and some of them even became best friends while others treated each other as family. Hornet and Hill became closer while Barry, Kaga and Akagi, Farragut and Cleveland, Fitzgerald and Prinz Eugen began to build a bond with one another. George and Bismarck however, took a while to build one as Bismarck felt as if she didn't want to hurt him like she did to Hood. However, they eventually built a bond with one another. However Cole and Anzio, Chosin and Tennessee, Benfold and Enterpise, and Abraham and Wales began to date, finally deciding it would be better to start something new in their lives other than another war of some sort.

However, Wales had an Idea of doing a celebration for everyone finally coming together and ending their war with one another and so, with the help of everyone, they manged to create a ceremony where they would announce the war was over between them and they were finally reunited with one another. Hood was the one who was going to announce the speach as the others prepared to create a ball for those to celebrate and dance in with one another after the ceremony.

During the ceremony

Hood: "We have finally reunited with our old friends. We were at war for so long however we finally came together to save humanity once and for all. We may all be different but we are also the same. We have the same will and our will is to defeat the sirens and save this world. I would like to congratulate everyone for putting away their past with one another and for putting the time and effort to try and reform our bonds. Thank you both Iron Blood and Sakura Empire for coming to rejoin us. Now our alliance is at it's full strength and the sirens won't ever be able to stop us!"

Everyone began to cheer as Hood continued to deliver her speech to them, giving them hope and inspiration and soon the ceremony came to an end. However, the ball began to come up as everyone went back to their dorms and began to change into formal clothing as they planned to enjoy their night one last time as the Sakura Empire, Iron Blood, Iris Libre, Dragon Empery, Northern Parliament, Vichya Dominion and Sardegna Empire were going back home the next day.

During the ball

Everyone was dancing with one another and others were chatting. Music was playing in the background as Wales was talking to Hood and Queen Elizabeth. Hornet and Hill were chatting while Enterprise and Benfold were enjoying their time with one another. Chosin was still teasing Tennessee as Cole and Anzio were laughing with one another. Everyone was enjoying their time however Abraham was outside, looking towards the ocean as his wounds finally healed. He felt better but he wanted to smoke, however Wales took away his smokes and Antietam was allowed to hurt him if he smoked.

Abraham sighed as he listened to the waves crashing into the beach. He found tranquility of the ocean however someone stepped towards his side. He turned to look and he saw Belfast.

Belfast: "Why aren't you inside, Abraham? Don't you want to spend time with Wales?"

Abraham: "Of course I do but I want some fresh air for a bit. Tonight is quite wonderful as the stars are lighting up the night sky.."

Belfast: "It is beautiful out tonight.."

Abraham: "Belfast, I have a question.."

Belfast: "What is it, Abraham?"

Abraham: "Do you think this world will finally be at peace?"

Belfast: "I do. We mustnt give up just yet as we still have to bring peace to this world. Eras may change, wars may be waged but one day, all of this conflict will stop."

Abraham smiled and he turned to look at Belfast.

Abraham: "I wish it would be peaceful but you are right. One day it will stop and the world will be at peace. Thank you for raising my spirits."

Belfast: "Raising your spirits?"

Abraham: "Its just a saying when we feel better. I was feeling doubtful that peace won't ever come to this world but who knows? Maybe one day no one will be at war."

Belfast: "And that day will come, Abraham. We must do our best."

Abraham chuckled a little.

Abraham: "I know. I only want peace since I want Wales not to constantly fight and maybe she'll stop worrying about things."

Unknownst to them, Wales was listening to their conversation and she smiled. She was happy that Abraham was thinking about her but she was a bit sad that Abraham didn't tell it to her directly.

Soon Abraham and Belfast returned to the ball room and he saw Wales approaching him.

Belfast: "I must go now, Abraham. I see Ms. Wales would like to ask you something."

Belfast then left to attend to her duties as Wales approached Abraham.

Wales: "I overheard you and Belfast talking.."

Abraham: "Really?"

Wales nodded and she smiled.

Wales: "But you should've told me how you felt about this war. You already know that you don't need to hide your thoughs anymore."

Abraham: "I know but I didn't want to ruin your time here. You were enjoying it and besides, one day everything will be at peace and maybe we could enjoy our lives with one another."

Wales: "I'd like for that future."

Abraham: "I do too."

Soon slow dancing music began to play and Abraham had an idea. He stuck out his hand and he smiled.

Abraham: "May I have this dance, my lady?"

Wales giggled a little before taking his hand and she did a little bow.

Wales: "Of course you may."

Wales placed a hand on Abrham's shoulder and Abraham placed a hand on her waist. They interlocked their other hand together and they slowly began to dance with one another, catching the eyes of many as it seemed that they were enjoying themselves. While they were dancing, they seemed to be focused on one another and they didn't notice everyone watching them. Soon the others began to join them, slow dancing as well and slowly the music stopped, ending the dance but Wales and Abraham finished their dance with a kiss before going to sit down.

Soon the ball was done and everyone said their goodbyes to one another. Tomorrow was going to be a new day but everyone was sad that their friends were going to go home. However they knew they could visit one another and so they went to their dorms to rest for the night.

Things were looking up for Azur Lane as they finally returned to their strongest form all those years ago and now they felt as if they now had a chance to rid the world of Sirens, returning the peace and prosperity to humanity once again.

(To be continued)

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