Chapter 6: Newly Summoned Ships

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Before I could finish my thoughts, I heard a voice behind me.. Well 16 voices to be exact.


All 16 Voices: "Ready for duty, Admiral!"

As soon as I turned around, I saw sixteen people standing right behind me and I was a bit shocked.

Abraham: "W-Wait.. I don't believe it.."

???: "I am the USS Benfold, reporting for duty sir. "

Abraham: "Benfold? As in the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer?"

Benfold: "Uhm yeah... How did you know that admiral..?"

Abraham: "Benfold, it's me! USS Abraham Lincoln!"

All 16 members: "EHHHHH?!?!"

I noticed they were all shocked as I was and then soon they began to bombard me with a variety of questions that seemed to get out of hand.

???: "Abraham?! You're the admiral?!"

???: "Still the same like in the old world."

???: "Indeed. Are you still the flagship, sir?"

???: "Where the hell are we?"

???: "Oiii, Chosin, is that you?"

Chosin: "Huh? Tennessee? You look quite different! Still flat though..."



Abraham: "Tennessee, calm down."

Tennessee: "BUT HE CALLED ME FLAT!!"

Abraham: "But you are flat."

???: "Bad thing to say admiral..."


???: "Tennessee, calm down right now."

Tennessee: "Yes sister..."

???: "Sir, what happened? Aren't we dead?"

Abraham: "Alright, alright! Calm down! And sorry Tennessee, I was only teasing.. Anyways, I'll answer everything.. We're at Fort MacArthur which is my base. And yes, I'm still the flagship of our strike group. However, where we are at.. I'd say in another world to kill those bastards that intended to invade our world."

Benfold: "So we're in another world fighting those things that wiped us out?"

Abraham: "Yes, we are. However, there are other people like us out in this world and currently there in a war.. Kind of like World War 2 with factions fighting one another."

???: "Cape St. George here sir. So are you saying we're here to kick some ass and take some names?"

I laughed a little at his question, finally happy to be reunited with my group.

Abraham: "It seems you haven't changed one bit, George."

George: "That a bad or a good thing sir?"

Abraham: "Still a good thing."

???: "S-Sir, I'm still unused to this.."

I soon recognized the man who spoke.

Abraham: "Fitzgerald, you'll get used to things. Trust me as I went through the same things you did."

Fitzgerald: "R-Right sir.."

Soon a woman spoke which caught my attention as her voice was familiar to me.

???: "Sir, what are the course of actions?"

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