Chapter 7

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I said and before leaving with Belfast, I saw Maryland simply nod as everyone else took a step away from her which made me chuckle. However, my chuckle was noticed by Belfast but I decided to look straight ahead, wondering what I should tell to Wales.


Location: Office
Time: Afternoon

I finally managed to get to Wales office with Belfast besides me.

Abraham: "Alright Ms. Wales, what did you want to talk about?"

Wales: "Please, call me Wales and I would like to know more about what happened. You summoned more ships but they came from the same place you did however, I have never seen any of your riggings.. Why is that?"

Abraham: "What are riggings..?"

Both Wales and Belfast looked at him then Wales sighed a bit.

Wales: "Riggings is your form. Your ship comes to you and you wear like armor however you have its abilities such as shooting, launching aircraft, launching torpedoes.. All of those likes."

I was a bit surprised and I genuinely wanted to learn how to do such a thing.

Abraham: "Okay how do I do that? Is it like a switch or something?"

Wales: "No, its not like a switch. Imagine yourself with your aircraft carrier surrounding you.. It should have it's deck with you alongside everything you had on your ship."

I nodded and I took her advice. I closed my eyes and I imagined myself with my ship as my riggings. Soon I felt something strange and I felt a little surge in my body.

Meanwhile at the docks..

Farragut: "I wonder what Abraham's doing."

Tennessee: "Probably getting chewed out by the commander here."

Benfold: "Thats a possibility.."

While they were chatting, the USS Abraham Lincoln began to glow a bright color before being dissambled and soon mental cubes began to fly towards where Abraham was.

Farragut: "What in the fuck was that?!"

Cole: "Isn't that admiral's ship?!"

Chinook: "Where is it going?"

Tennessee: "I don't know. Maybe the Admiral is calling for it?"

Cole: "Is that even possible?"

Tennessee: "I don't know.. Now Im curious.."

Back in the office

I soon heard a gasp as I opened my eyes, only to see that I had a flight deck to the left and right side of myself. My arms were covered with both Phalanx CIWS while one of them rested on my shoulder. I also felt my radars become implemented into my neck, making things a bit easier to pick up. However, when I looked at my back, I noticed both the Mk 57 Mod 3 Sea Sparrow surface-to-air missile launchers and the two RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile short-range surface-to-air missile launchers on it, making me a bit surprised by the layout of my riggings. However, on both of my legs were SLQ-32A(V)4 countermeasures and SLQ-25A Nixie torpedo countermeasures.

Abraham: "Nice set up! This looks way better than I imagined!"

Wales: "This is quite interesting.. I have never seen a rigging like this before.."

Abraham: "Really? I think most of my members would have the same type of riggings but with their equipment."

Wales then walked around me, examining my riggings before standing in front of me. I just looked at her and I looked confused as I couldn't read her face.

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