Chapter 22: Wales and Abraham

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*Warning, this chapter will have a mature scene. Those who are underaged and those who do not like mature scenes will be warned early in advance when that scene arrives in this chapter and are advised to skip it. However, I will let readers know when that scene begins and ends with these words "Start of Mature Scene" and "End of Mature Scene." You have been warned.*

Soon we ended up falling asleep together in each other's arms, enjoying one another's company as the moon lit up the night sky.


When morning came, Abraham was the first to stir as the sun light was shinning through his curtains. He rubbed his eyes a bit and he looked to his left, seeing Wales fast asleep on him. He smiled a little and he slowly got out of bed, doing his best not to make any noise. Once he managed to get out of bed without waking her up, he went into the bathroom to refreshen up then he changed into something more suitable for the day. He threw on a tank top with a dark blue shirt that read "NAVY" in yellow words before throwing on some jeans.

(Abraham's POV)

After I was dressed, I thought for a bit on what to do for the day. I knew I was going to spend time with Wales but doing nothing all day was going to be a bummer so I decided to make some plans for us to do. I spent about 40 minutes on planning and then I heard some movement from the bed. I turned to see Wales waking up and I chuckled a bit on how cute she looked when she woke up.

Abraham: "Good morning."

Wales: "Good morning..."

I went over to her side and I gently kissed her forehead before sitting down on the bed side next to her..

Abraham: "Did you sleep well?"

Wales: "Mhm.."

Abraham: "Thats good. Now go get ready, we have a big day today."

I saw Wales look at me confused as she adjusted her hair away from her face.

Wales: "But there's nothing happening today.."

Abraham: "Actually, there is. We're going to go out today."

Wales: "Really? What did you plan for us?"

Abraham: "Well I'm going to take you into town today, buy some things then head over to the fair that the town is holding for today then we'll come back here, change into some formal clothes and we'll eat dinner at a restaurant that I made reservations for."

Wales: "You did all of that in how much time..?"

Abraham: "Uhm 40 minutes I think?"

Wales: "40 minutes..? That fast..?"

Abraham: "Yep now get up and get refreshened."

Wales: "Okay..."

(Wales POV)

I got up from the bed and I kissed Abraham's cheek before heading to the bathroom to refreshen up. I stood there for a bit and I poked my head back through the door.

Wales: "Uhm Abraham..?"

Abraham: "Yes?"

Wales: "I forgot we were at your place.. Can we head back to mine so I can get ready?"

Abraham: "Ah right. Yeah lets go."

I smiled a bit then I stepped out of the bathroom before heading to the door. We soon left his room and I walked down the hall towards my room with Abraham in tow. As I was walking down the hall, I noticed some of the rooms were empty, mainly the rooms that used to have Abraham's group members in.

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