Chapter 24: Beach Day

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Rossiya: "Save it Gangut! We must help them first before having any judgement!"


Location: Azur Lane

Time: Afternoon

(Wales POV)

It has been a few hours since I last heard from Abraham and the others. Farragut told me that he, Maryland and Alabama left to assist the Northern Parliament with the Dragon Empery in something but he didn't say anything about what he was doing. I paced back and forth, worrying about him but that stopped when I noticed Enterprise and Belfast looking at me.

Wales: "Yes, Enterprise?"

Enterprise: "Worried about him?"

Wales: "Yes I am.."

Belfast: "Ms. Wales, he'll be alright. He always have said to trust in him and he always came back."

Enterprise: "What Belfast said is true. Now come on, lets head out to the resort you both booked for everyone."

Wales: "But what about Abraham..?"

Belfast: "He'll return soon however to calm your nerves, I can go and head to Northern Parliament to check on them."

Wales: "That would be quite helpful but you should relax Belfast.. 

Enterprise: "And Abraham told us to keep an eye on you. Remember, he'll be back in a few days so come on, South Dakota and the others are waiting for you."

Wales: "They were..?"

Enterprise: "They're more worried about you than Abraham..."

Belfast: "And you must go and eat, Ms. Wales. You've been in your office for some time and it would be best if you didn't stay inside."

Wales: "Alright... Tell them to head to the resort.."

Enterprise: "No. You're going to tell them yourself as you're going to run off to try and find Abraham. Belfast and South Dakota will keep an eye on you because you were asked to relax for once."

I was a bit stunned that she knew what I was going to do but I was more stunned by the change of her personality. Instead of her being serious all the time, I noticed that she was a bit more playful and relaxed.

Wales: "Hm.. Alright. Lets get going then. I'm sure everyone would like to relax and Enterprise, it seems Benfold has managed to change you."

Enterprise: "Changed me how..?"

Wales: "You're not as serious but rather much more relaxed.. I think this must a good thing.."

Enterprise: "Well.. When you're with someone you love, you tend to change.. Sometimes for the best, sometimes for the worst.."

I smiled at Enterprise before nodding, knowing she was correct and so I decided to make up my mind.

Wales: "Well said.. Now let's go!"

Enterprise: "Huh? I thought you were still going to protest.."

Wales: "No, I'm not. Your words alone helped me make up my mind. Abraham always comes back so I should stop worrying and besides, everyone has been looking forward to this day so lets get going."

Enterprise then smiled at me and she opened the door to leave first.

Enterprise: "Don't take too long, Wales. Come on Belfast, lets get going."

Belfast: "Yes Ms. Enterprise."

I watched them leave then I went to leave, deciding to wait for Abraham at the resort.

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