Chapter 4: Azur Lane Base

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I then stated and I began to make my way towards their base as Enterprise and her group began to return as well.


As we reached the base, I noticed everyone on the port was staring at my carrier as if they had never seen something like it before. After getting it into the port and docking it next to some other ships, I got out of the bridge and I began to make my descent towards the port. After getting to the solid ground, I adjusted my admiral cap before walking towards the base. While I was walking, I could hear people conversing about my ship and who I was.

???: "Who's he? I never seen someone like that before.."

???: "I don't know but his aircraft carrier looks a bit more advanced.. Could he rival Ms. Enterprise?"

???: "I highly doubt it.. I don't think he could even go against Iron Blood or the Sakura Empire alone.."

???: "Well that's just suicide.."

I decided to simply ignore them as they continued to talk about my ship. Then thats when I noticed the same silver haired woman approaching me. I stopped for a moment and I took a look at her then I noticed a brunette wearing the United Kingdom's flag around her shoulders with a blonde wearing a red uniform walking behind her.

Abraham: *Thinks to self* Are they coming to chat with me? Or they might cause a problem...

The woman wearing red stopped in front of me and then she spoke.

???: "I am the Prince of Wales. You must be USS Abraham Lincoln."

Abraham: "Yes I am."

Wales: "Thank you for coming to assist us while Enterprise arrived. The Royal Navy fleet should be arriving soon."

Abraham: "Hm, I see. So I'm assuming the base is quite understaffed since those ships were capable of coming in close and destroying some parts of the base."

Wales: "That is.. Correct.. But we managed thanks to your help."

I then shook my head and I simply gave a smile to them.

Abraham: "I didn't do anything. I believe the young girl with the unicorn did most of the work and that lady over there as well. You should be thanking them, not me."

Wales: "But you did send planes out to attack Kaga which prevented her from eating unicorn. However your planes seemed to be different.."

Abraham: "I didn't do such a thing. I barely arrived is all.."

I noticed they were just staring at me which made me a bit nervous and a little confused.

Abraham: *Thinking to self* Are they not as advanced as I am? Why do they keep staring at me..?

???: "Wales, he's quite strange.. Should we even trust him?"

Wales: "Now now, Hood, he has helped the base from the Sirens and the Sakura Empire."

Hood: "But he claims he didn't do any of that."

Wales: "Enterprise?"

Enterprise: "Yes, Wales?"

Wales: "Take him to my office. I want you, Laffey, Cleveland and Javelin in my office as well. We need to have a chat."

Before I can say anything, I saw enterprise take out her bow and I decided not to ask any questions as I think she would prefer killing me here and now rather than talking with me.

Enterprise: "Come on, let's get going otherwise I get to kill you."

Wales: "Enterprise, don't act like that."

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