Chapter 23

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I soon left, heading straight to the repair docks to begin working on my gift to Barry while making sure nothing goes wrong.


(Abraham's POV)

While I was heading over to the repair docks, I noticed Hill and Benfold walking towards me.

Benfold: "Good morning sir."

Abraham: "Good morning, Benfold, Hill."

Hill: "Good morning.. Now, what were those noises last night?"

I looked at them and tried to play it off as if I didn't know what they were talking about.

Abraham: "What noises..?"

Benfold: "Oh you know the grunts and the 'You seem to be soaking wet' and maybe the moans coming from your room."

I blushed a bit and I shook my head, doing my best to deny it.

Abraham: "I still don't know what you're talking about.."

Hill: "Or how about the 'Youre so tight' or the 'Im cumming' or the sound of Wales moaning your name."

I blushed darkly and I grabbed them both by the collars, pulling them both close to me before looking at them with a glare.

Abraham: "Another word out of your mouths and I will kill you both. I'll make sure each and every part of you is unrecognizable and the only way they'll figure out that its you is by through DNA."

This shocked Benfold and Hill seemed to be terrified by how I reacted to them teasing me.

Hill: "B-But sir.."

Benfold: "W-We were only teasing you s-sir.."

Abraham: "I don't care about you teasing me but DO NOT BRING WALES INTO THIS!! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

I said in a more pissed off tone, sounding like a drill sergeant rather than an admiral, scaring the two.

Hill: "Sir yes sir!"

Benfold: "Yes sir!"

Abraham: "Good. Now get out of my sight before I change my mind."

They both quickly left me alone as I begin to head over to the repair station however Farragut approached me.

Farragut: "Uhm sir..? What happened between you, Benfold and Hill?"

I looked at Farragut and I smiled, acting like nothing happened.

Abraham: "It was nothing Farragut."

Farragut: "Ah okay.. So where are you going?"

Abraham: "To the repair station."

Farragut: "Riggings damaged?"

Abraham: "Nope.."

Farragut: "Ship damaged?"

Abraham: "No."

Farragut: "Well why are you going over there?"

Abraham: "To test something. Want to come along?"

Farragut: "Sure since Cleve is out on a sortie so I think it would be nice to do something than staying bored."

Abraham: "Ah I see. Now come on, South Dakota, Vestal, Unicorn and Akashi are waiting for us."

Farragut: "Wait, why's unicorn there? She's an aircraft carrier, isn't she?"

Abraham: "Yeah she is. What about her?"

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