Chapter 11: Sakura Empire

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???: "Good. What will be your move, Azur Lane?"


Location: Sakura Empire

Time: Afternoon

(??? POV)

I was walking down a stone path that was surrounded by sakura trees. To my left, there was a fountain sitting in a pond of water. I could hear the water sprouting from the fountain that was in the middle of it and I can hear the water from the fountain hitting the water and the rocks below. As I continued walking, I found a small stone bench sitting under a sakura tree and a metal lamp to it's right. I sat down on the stone bench and I stared out to the small pond as the wind blew, rustling the leaves of the sakura tree, dropping petals down beneath the tree and onto the ground. I could hear the cicadas making a clicking sound as it was a summer afternoon. I smiled at the tranquility this garden produced by itself as it was so peaceful. I don't know how long I sat there but it felt like forever as I was in a trance by this peaceful day until I heard a voice call out to me and someone began to approach me. I broke out of the trance and I looked over to them.

???: "Oiii! Nagato!"

Nagato: "Ah, Ryuuhou. I didn't expect to see you here."

Ryuuhou: "Nagato, are you enjoying this beautiful day?"

Nagato: "Yes, I am. Are you here to enjoy the sakura garden as well?"

Ryuuhou: "Hai. I decided it would be nice to see something so peaceful even though we've been at war with Azur Lane.."

Nagato: "Yes, it is nice however the war will be over soon. We are all fighting the sirens and we're using different ways of doing it however I think we will be victorious against Azur Lane and the Sirens."

Ryuuhou: "Hopefully. I wish it would stay peaceful like this everyday."

Nagato: "I wish so too. One day it will be peaceful but for now.."

Ryuuhou: "We must fight together and win this war."

I looked at Ryuuhou and I smiled as she knew exactly what I was going to say.

Nagato: "I see you've been listening to me."

Ryuuhou: "Why wouldn't I listen to the leader of our empire?"

Nagato: "That is true. Now, I must get going back to the shrine."

Ryuuhou: "I'll stay here for a bit longer then. I think I can enjoy this peace for a little bit more before going back."

Nagato: "I see. Take care, Ryuuhou."

Ryuuhou: "You too, Nagato."

I then said my goodbyes to Ryuuhou and I began to make my way back to the shrine, enjoying the peaceful day. But while I was walking down the same stone path, I spotted a woman with grayish purple hair with fox ears and another woman with white hair with bunny ears walking down the path. The woman with grayish purple hair was wearing a blue kimono with white stockings while the woman with white hair was wearing a black skirt and a white shirt that somewhat covered her chest.

Nagato: "Good afternoon, Shinano and Shimakaze."

Shimakaze: "Good afternoon Nagato."

The white haired woman said as the grayish purple hair woman stood next to her.

Shinano: "Good afternoon Nagato. Are you heading back to the shrine?"

Nagato: *smiles* "Yes I am, Shinano."

Shinano: *smiles* "I see. The weather is nice out today, isn't?"

Shimakaze: "It is. Were you enjoying it, Nagato?"

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