Chapter 12

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Soon we spent the evening talking about the report Kaga and Akagi gave us.


A few days later...

Location: Azur Lane Base

Time: Evening

(Abraham POV)

I slowly opened my eyes as I woke up from what felt like a deep sleep. The lights were blinding me as I had stayed in the dark for quite some time and so I had to cover my eyes a bit as they readjusted to the light of the building. After some time, my eyes readjusted and I began to look around the room for a bit, noticing that I was in what seemed to be a medical room. I then noticed someone resting their head on the side of the bed and I soon realized who it was. It was Wales but I was confused on why she was sleeping with her head on the side of my bed when she could head home to rest. I slowly sat up but I felt a decent amount of pain, causing me to grunt a little but it wasn't too bad. I soon noticed that I was wrapped in bandages and I saw my left arm was attached to some wires. I also noticed I was wearing an oxygen mask and so I removed it from my face. I then turned to wire and before I was about to take them off, I noticed Wales move a little and so my attention went towards her however she was still asleep. I decided it would be best to wake her up and so I reached out to her and gently shook her.

Abraham: *in a soft voice* "Wales..? You need to get up.."

I noticed she wouldn't get up but I continued to gently shake her.

Abraham: *in a soft voice* "Wales... You need to get up.."

Wales: *sleepily mumbling* "No Belfast... I'll go home later..."

I looked a little confused on why she called me Belfast and so I decided to wake her up by shaking her a bit more.

Wales: *in a normal voice* "Wales... You need to wake up.."

Soon, I saw Wales open her eyes and she sat up, rubbing them a bit before looking towards me. She looked confused at first as if she didn't believe what her eyes were showing her. She rubbed her eyes again and looked at me, soon I saw her eyes open up quite wide.

Abraham: "Are you okay, Wales? You act like you saw a ghost.."

Before I could say anything else, I saw Wales suddenly get up and hug me quite tightly to the point it felt like she was crushing me.

Abraham: "AH! Wales! You're crushing me!"

Wales soon let go of me, giving me a chance to catch my breath.

Wales: "S-Sorry.. I thought you wouldn't wake up again... I was scared to lose you..."

Abraham: "What are you talking about Wales..? I was in a coma, wasn't I..?"

I saw Wales nod and I then saw the tears in her eyes. I felt my heart drop as I saw her crying. I reached out and I wiped her tears away as she continued to cry. I felt her lean her head into my hand as I looked her in the eyes, seeing the pain she had felt because of what happened to me.

Abraham: "It's okay Wales. I'm fine now so I don't think you should cry any-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I noticed Wales face was closer to mine and before I knew it, our lips were connected. I was taken aback a little by how fast she moved and by the kiss she gave me. But I then closed my eyes and I decided to pull her in a little closer as we stayed like that for a few seconds and I was enjoying each second. Soon, our lips parted after eight seconds.

Abraham: *blushing* "Thanks for the kiss, Wales.."

Wales: *blushing and wiping the tears away* "I-I'm sorry for that..."

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