Chapter 27: Halloween

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Everyone went their separate ways to do their own things. Some were enjoying the beach, others went shopping, and there were those who even went scuba diving other than San Diego as she was afraid another great white was going to attack her again like last time. Soon, the week had passed and it seemed as if everyone had enjoyed themselves as they spent one last time at the resort before heading back home to Azur Lane's base but with someone still trailing them...


Months have gone by since the change of Abraham, Alabama and Maryland. Their looks began to become normal for those at Azur Lane however some still weren't used to it. Before everyone knew it, October had arrived and the weather was a bit chilly since it had become fall. The trees were a bright yellow, orange and red color, making the base look so peaceful yet the base was busy getting things done as a certain holiday was coming.

Location: Azur Lane

Time: 7:00 am

Date: 10/31/1946

???: "Hill, have you set up the decorations?"

Hill: "Yes I have dear.. Although I think we're overdoing it.."

Hill turned to look at the canteen in which had a variety of Halloween decorations were hanged up.

Hornet: "We're not overdoing anything."

Hill: "Whatever you say.. Anyways, where's everyone else? I thought Illustrious and the others are supposed to be here."

Hornet: "Beats me.. I only know where my sisters are and that's about it.."

Hill: "Speaking about your sisters, want to visit Yorktown later today?"

Hornet: "Sure. Well after shes home from shopping with Enterprise."

Hill: "Out buying candy?"

Hornet: "I think she's buying some halloween decorations and maybe some candy."

Hill: "Hm? Enterprise isnt the type to do such a thing, is she?"

Hornet: "Well because of Benfold, she's changed quite a lot."

Hill: "Well thats Ben for you."

???: "Hey you two, done with the canteen?"

They both turned to see Tennessee, Alabama, Nevada, Oklahoma, Unicorn, Illustrious, NorthHampton, Suffolk, Norfolk and Chicago.

Hornet: "Oh hey everyone! You're finally here!"

Nevada: "Sorry for being late. I had to stop by the store to get as many ingredients as I could to make the dinner for tonight."

Oklahoma: "And we had to get candy too since it is Halloween after all."

Alabama: "Thats true. Today is an exception."

Unicorn: "Everything looks scary.."

Illustrious: "It's alright~"

NorthHampton: "I really like what you did to this place Hornet. Great job."

Hornet: "Thanks but I couldn't have done it without Hill."

Hill: "You could have and you know it."

Hornet: "No, I wouldn't have been able to."

Suffolk: "But what should we do? Both of you finished decorating already..."

Norfolk: "Yeah! What do we do?"

Chicago: "We could help Nevada and Oklahoma prepare tonight's meal."

Hill: "But thats in a few hours."

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