Chapter 18: The Battle of Orochi

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Siren: "What, does someone want to play?"


As soon as she said those words, portals began to open up, summoning siren ships through even siren aircraft. Belfast, Sulfok, Sheffield and Edinburgh stood there in surprise as the enemy was now appearing in front of them.

Siren: "It's the eve of the big day! Let's party hard!"

Soon a large scale battle began to happen as siren aircraft dominated the air while siren ships engaged the four. Soon Cleveland and her sisters arrived as reinforcements, firing onto the siren ships but they too became under fire from the siren aircraft before a siren ship shot at them, causing Cleveland and her sisters to dodge the incoming lasers.

Cleveland: "Mass-produced Sirens, too?!"

Soon a squadron of siren aircraft began to close in on Cleveland and her sisters before interceptors arrived, shooting them down before breaking off. They turned to see Hornet and Hill arriving to support them. Hill began to use his CIWS to engage the siren aircraft while Hornet continued to launch hers.

Hornet: "I can't let my sister do all the work!"

Soon Javelin, Laffey and Ayanami began to arrive with Hurricane, Monsoon and Chinook who acted as their escorts.

Monsoon, Chinook and Hurricane launched a stinger missile, shooting down three siren aircraft but they were careful since they didn't have enough to continue providing AA support. Soon Laffey, Javelin and Ayanami engaged a siren ship. Javelin launched herself into the air and shot down at the ship as Laffey and Ayanami shot their torpedoes at it. After they sunk it, a siren aircraft began to fly at Javelin, planning to shoot her down as she continued to fall.

Hornet: "No!"

But just in the nick of time, an arrow appeared and it suddenly broke into multiple arrows, striking the siren aircraft and blowing it up before it could reach Javelin. The group turned to see Enterprise coming towards them with another arrow aimed.

Hornet: "Enterprise..!"

Enterprise: "Hornet! Hold this position!"

The group did as Enterprise told them, defending the group and providing AA support as Enterprise continued to press forwards.

Enterprise: "If I am afraid of the ocean, why do I keep fighting?"

The siren ships continued to attack as Sheffield open fired on them while Sulfok tried to take cover while Edinburgh tried to dodge the explosions.

Edinburgh: "I'm going to die! I'm really going to die!"

Belfast was dodging the bombings before trying to get another clear shot at the siren.

Siren: "Come on noe, how am I supposed to enjoy this?"

Suddenly planes began to arrive and began dive bombing the siren ships, catching everyone's attention.

Siren: "What?!"

Belfast turned around and saw Enterprise arrive, coming towards them.

Enteprise: "Siren!"

Siren: "Ooh, it's Enterprise!"

Siren fired but she missed her shots while Enteprise's shots didn't miss.

Sheffield: "Yes!"

However siren made it out with little injury. However, Cole, Farragut, Fitzgerald, and Barry arrived, firing upon her but she was too quick, dodging their attacks. Benfold arrived and also opened fire on her, in hopes to hit her while Alabama and Tennessee arrived, sinking as many siren ships as they could with their torpedoes.

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