Chapter 8

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I was alone in my room and so I sat down on the bed, wondering why I was feeling like this but I soon put that aside as I was exhausted from today. I soon laid down onto my bed, deciding to sleep for the night.


Back at Iron Blood

???: "Now, how should we capture him considering the fact he and his members have strong weapons?"

???: "Tirpitz, calm down. Every strong person has a weakness. We just need to exploit it to get to him."

Tirpitz: "I see, Bismarck... Do you think we can capture someone who he deems important to him?"

Bismarck: "Possibly. I have Z23 sitting in the ocean, still watching him. In fact, she told me where exactly he is staying and sleeping so we could kidnap him."

Tirpitz: "Thats smart, sister. However, how would we capture him without setting off the base's alarms?"

Bismarck: "We can bypass them. Or we can find a more ruthless way to get him."

Tirpitz then began to smile.

Tirpitz: "When we were watching them, he and the Prince of Wales seem to be somewhat close. If we capture her, maybe he would surrender himself so she could remain safe."

Bismarck then thought for a moment then a wicked smile grew on her face.

Bismarck: "We'll attack the base, capture him when we take the Prince of Wales hostage. Then we shall make his group fall and that's when we shall force them to join us."

Tirpitz then smiled.

Tirpitz: "Amazing plan, sister. We shall make it work by tomorrow morning!"

Next morning

I awoke to the early sun light and I got out of bed. I decided to take a dip in the hot spring Belfast mentioned earlier yesterday. I took a towel and new clothes. Instead of my normal black admiral outfit, I decided to wear something informal which was some navy blue shorts, a navy blue t-shirt that ready "Navy" on its back, white socks and black running shoes. I planned to go work out for a bit after the hot spring and so after getting everything ready, I went straight to the bath house.

Abraham: "The morning air feels so nice.. I'm glad no one is up at this time.."

I said to myself as I stopped at the bath house. I opened the door and closed it after I stepped inside. I began undressing from my attire and I folded them together, making sure nothing is missing before I wrapped my towel around my waist. I soon stepped inside, finding that it was empty and so I took a few steps and entered the hot spring, finding that it was very warm and yet soothing. After stepping in, I sat down with half of my face in the water, leaving my nose and upper half of my head above the water. I soon closed my eyes, enjoying the nice bath.

Meanwhile in the ocean..

???: "I have spotted the target. He has left his room and is making his way to the bath house."

???: "Good, Z23. Keep an eye on him so we can capture him off guard."

Z23: "Yes, Ms. Bismarck. He's alone for the time being. I'll wait for you and Ms. Tirpitz to arrive before striking the base."

Bismarck: "Good. Wait until further notice."

Z23: "Yes Ma'am."

Twenty minutes later

(Z23 POV)

Z23: "This is getting boring. He hasn't left the bath house for a while. Who knew ship boys take forever in those.. Hold on, is that who I think it is..?"

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