Chapter 9: Iron Blood

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(*Important! I'm not following the anime or the lore for a bit as I'm changing their personalities for a little while and their equipment for a bit to make it more interesting for this chapter and to help you understand what they did in the last chapter. However in the next few chapters, their personalities will return. Also, Im not going to be following the geneva convention for this chapter! If you're squeemish, I recommend you skip certain parts of the chapter!*)

Soon, the sounds of the alarms began to fade out and everything slowly went black as I lost consciousness.


Location: Iron Blood
Time: Unkown

(Bismarck's POV)

I was standing around as a woman in white hair was running a variety of tests on our new subject. I leaned against the desk as I watched her attach some wires to him.

Bismarck: "Graf, what are you doing to him?"

Graf: "Checking his vital signs to make sure he's alive. Then, once he wakes up, we'll get to torture him a little however I am unsure if the others would try to keep him alive."

Bismarck: "Right. When he wakes up, I want you and the others to hurt him. You are allowed to cut him if you need to make him talk but to a minimal. I also want results."

I saw Graf nod and I began to approach the cell he was in. He was strapped to the wall as his hands hanged above him.

Bismarck: "When will he be awake?"

Graf: "Bismarck. You mustnt act so hasty. We did just kidnap him and knock him unconscious."

Bismarck: "Fine.. But wake him up soon because I have a feeling we won't have enough time to interrogate him."

Graf remained quiet for a while before looking at me.

Graf: "Fine. Let me test our protoype on him and see how he reacts to it."

Bismarck: "Hm, alright. Don't overdo it Graf. I'll have Roon and two others to come in to help with the interrogation but keep an eye on them."

Graf: "Yes Bismarck."

Soon Graf walked into the cell and injected him with the hypnotization serum. Nothing seemed to happen at first until his body began to twitch. Graf, who was happy with the little experiment, exited the cell and locked it.

Graf: "Test successful. Now, let see if I can force him to wake up and talk."

I then nodded and I looked at our prisoner, wondering what valuable information we can get from him.

Back at the Azur Lane Base

(Enterprise's POV)

I sat next to both hospital beds, seeing that Belfast and Wales were still unconscious.

Enterprise: "What the hell happened to you two..?"

I asked myself softly as I wanted to find out what happened. Its been a few hours since we found them. We were all doing our own things until a loud explosion was heard from the west side of our base. It was an attack however when we arrived, we only found part of a cliff destroyed and Wales and Belfast tied up. Belfast was unconscious as she had a broken arm and her body was badly injured. Wales, however, looked as if she was beaten and it looked as if she lost consciousness from it. We brought them back to the infirmary as Vestal treated them. We tried to contact Abraham but he was nowhere to be found. We asked his group but they didn't even know what happened and they became a bit stressed and worried about him. According to Maryland, the second in command, this isn't normal for Abraham to just go missing. Before I could reminisce in my thoughts, I saw Belfast slowly wake up.

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