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Castoff Academy BY Ebsrapamation

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Castoff Academy BY Ebsrapamation

REVIEWER: Ilovvebts


Starting with the title, I'm well satisfied. The title suits the story. Even though I felt it could be a little bit more creative , it's hard to think of any other title than this that can fit this story. Most of the time when it's mystery stories like this, it's always named like this.

Classic but good hun.


Mmm now the cover is what I really liked. I mean the text and the theme matched well. It does give you a mystery vibe and an envious feeling. I would also love to have a cover like this. Your choice to pick this cover was so right. Loved it.


Coming onto the blurb, let's talk about how it focused on the two main characters in the story. You thought about it properly so it wasn't unorganized and confusing.

Sometimes when writers try to be too mysterious they end up getting it unorganized. Thankfully, you didn't do that and that also made me curious about this story. The right amount of mystery and a glimpse about the character.


My favourite part. The Grammar. I hate it when there's bad grammar. I hate it even when I do it.

Now onto the main point, you edited your story well, hun. The wordings and the grammar, no mistakes and it was so captivating. I loved the way you put the words and sewed them up in a beautiful story. I loved the way you decorated your words into the story.


Mhmmmm! It's interesting now.

I'm a big fan of Magic, wizard and stuff and this was great. I search for stories like this whenever I get the chance and there are few who write it so well and you happen to be one of them, hun.

I loved how you started the story with the two characters and the story continued on by showing off their POV equally. I really was hooked to the plot and even though I want to say so much about it I can't as If I go on then I'll surely give spoilers. In simple terms I liked the plot and how it all unfolded.


Mmm! I'm adding the mmms because I'm excited. Don't mind that. Anyways, now onto the characters.

I loved each and every character. I loved how they were different and had their own individuality. I loved how you show both of the character's POV and that too with depth.

I loved them together but I loved seeing their individuality as well. Their thought process, their individual story, their pain and their emotions; I connected to each of them. Most people have a great imagination to think this great but not many have the ability to put it into the right words.


Now the pace of the story. When it's too fast I hate it and I hate when they take it too slow putting unnecessary dramas. Thank God this book didn't have any of that.

Honestly I loved the pace because the plot needed this pace. You chose the pace correctly according to the story and I loved that. Honest opinion, hun.

It was well written along with the character. You combined everything so well and the execution was great. It's so great that I really wanna write spoilers here. I loved how the academy was darker than most of the other stories I have read.


Mmmm I loved it. It was well written with everything well combined. I think I have said this too many times. Don't mind me. I'm gonna say it again that your writing style is amazing.

The way you put your words, the emotions, and the way you describe the situation; you didn't miss a point and I loved that.


I need another book. I demand for another book. It says it's completed but I don't believe it. I want the second book. Fast! Waiting hun!

Honestly it just made me crave for more so fast!


Mmm, is there anything left to say in this part? What? There's lot to say? Okay, my heart says that there's so much to say and my mind says that you are looking like a simp, anyways ignoring both.

Even though some might feel like it's the same concept and have read it many times but it's not. It's strange how this gives me a familiarity vibe and also a vibe that says I've explored something new. Even if I had tons of work I still wanted to read it. I took my time reading it over and over because I really liked it. It can be published and I would buy it.


I'm running out of praises. Anyways, I know there's always an improvement. In your case, it could be creating more exciting ideas and investing them in your book two. PLEASE DO THAT.

The detailed review is already there above so I don't have much to say. Have a good day.

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