The Start.

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The was once of a man in a blue shirt and dark blue pants named commander and he was exploring a place called Grass isle looking for people to join his team while he was walking around he saw a guy in a grey shirt and dark grey pants.

Commander (Coa): Hey You!

???: Oh uh hi?

Coa: Who are you?

Scout(S): I am scout!

Coa: Do you want to join my military team?

S: Sure lol!

They both hear a tree branch crack and they turn to see a guy in sniper clothing.

???: Hey-

Coa: Uhh hi

Sniper(Sn): Hi im sniper and i heard what you were talking about can i join your millitary?

Coa: Sure

They were going to get going but they heard groans behind them and they turned to see zombies?

S: Ayo

Coa: Uh start shooting!

The towers would start firing and they killed the normal zombies, it was a cakewalk for the most part really.

Coa: Ez

S: Ez

Sn: Ez

The towers left off into the distance

This first part sucked

To be continued.

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