The Final Battle

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All of the towers gathered at a Wrecked Battlefield ready to fight the Void King himself after ages a fighting the towers were all ready to finally fight.

Commander(Coa): We set up camp here and wait for the enemies.

Soldier(So): This will be a nightmare.

Paintballer(P) of course it will be .-.

The towers got ready and the first batch of new enemies poured out of the ruined portal the first enemies were covered in lead so Paintballer and DemoMan were in charge of taking care of them.

Scout(S): Easy.

Fallen Titans and Fallen Rushers ran out of the portal determined to kill the towers but due to Snipers and Pilots air support they managed to beat them.

Rocketer(RO): So far so good

Neko dj: Keep your guard up you don't know what's going to come at us next

So: She is right.

After that Speedy Kings were rushing through their defenses so fast but thankfully Toxic Gunner and Gun Gale managed to stop them before they lost!

Ranger(RA): Good job Sis

Gun Gale: Thanks!

Mortar (MO): Aww.

S: Here comes another batch!

Wardens rushed out of the portal and shot their lasers stunning Gladiator, Electroshocker, and Enforcer got hit by the lasers they didn't get injured just were stunned.

Archer(AR): Quick fire!

Commando(COM): oh god

After that the Void King himself came out and the towers were treeified and then it roared and caused a lot of destruction and it stunned Dj, Neon Rave, Sniper and John. The towers fired their secret weapon and then. It was over the towers won.

I don't know what ill do next

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