Night Station + Area 51

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The towers were on their way back to the base but the road was closed so they had to take a train so the towers went to it and it was open at night witch was very convenient for them. Scout was holding Neko DJs hand again to make her not scared that they would get lost and not find a way back. But luckily they found a station neko dj was so tired Scout had to carry her to it. Sniper would sit on a bench and Scout set neko dj down there and went off but while scout was off doing his thing he hallucinated and saw Giant Purple boy with a sword, Sprits, and Blood and then he stopped seeing things. While they were waiting they saw a girl with pink hair fixing a cart.

Commander(Coa): Hey.

???:  Hey need a ride?

Coa: Yeah.

???: I can fix this up for you!

Sniper(SN): That would be lovely <3

???: Okay! I'm engineer by the way.

Medic(M): Hey guys.

Soldier(SO): How did you get here?

M: Yes.

Before Commander could say anything 7 weird robots that look like something out of Area 51 jumped down from the mountain. One ran at scout but he managed to kill it. Scout tried to get up but another robot grabbed him and started dragging him.

Neko Dj: SCOUT

Scout(S): HELP!

Engineer would shoot at the robot with her DIY rifle and missed the robot.

Engineer(Engie): No my amo :(

But the big nail killed another robot but then Scout was dragged away and the other robots retreated with the other robot up to the mountain the towers looked at the robot and saw a symbol from Area 51?!

Coa: OH

M: God

Sn: AREA 51?!


Neko dj: We need to get scout back!

Coa: New plan set detation to area 51

commander would get his phone

*Meanwhile at Forest camp*

Rocketer: ???

Coa: Freezer, Rocketer, And Paintballer GO TO AREA 51 NOW.

Paintballer(P): Aye Sir!

The towers got into drivers car and they got to it.

*Back to the others* 


Hours later the towers would arive at Area 51 and see Scout on the ground passed out they woke up scout and Rocketer, Paintballer and Freezer arrived just in time because Aliens came out of a cave.

Freezer(F): Ayo?!

Gun Gale and Ranger got onto a building and charged up their guns and the towers would kill the aliens a few waves of aliens later Strong Aliens came out of the Ufo cave thing and the towers swiftly cleaned them up and minigunner snuck onto the Humvee so i guess he was there to help them. After a wave Zoomers came out dressed as Naruto?

S: Fatherless

P: Yep.

After that Zombies on lawnmowers came out and the towers were so confused but they kept shooting and after a bit they defeated these tanky foes. Hidden Zoomers and Ufo's came out so half of the towers aimed for Ufo's and the other half aimed for the Hidden Zoomers. After that Raider 1 and 2 came out but that boring so skip to Raider boss. The Raider Boss shot rockets that stunned John who was there and Freezer it aimed for Commander with its gun and it fired Paintballer saw that so he ran to protect commander. Commander covered his eyes but he didn't get shot he opened to see paintballer lying on the ground lifeless.

Coa: ...

F: ....

Sn: ...

John would yell in rage and started beating the Raider boss lifeless and the others towers chimed in but it blew them away but before it killed them all it fell with 2 holes strait through it behind it was a guy in Armor. It would look at the boss and then helped Commander up.

???: Hello Commander.

Coa: Commando?!

Minigunner(Mini): What?

S: Dad?

Commando (COM): Hey son.

S: This is akward.

Ranger(R): What-

Com: Lets just go to base

The towers would pick up paintballers body.

*The towers get back to base*

DemoMan(Demo): What happened to paintballer?

Coa: Dead.

The towers burred paintballer and had a memorial for him.

To be continued

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