The escape to the Marshlands

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The towers would run through the forest after being overran by hiddens at the Abandoned City but not they were lost in the marshlands. Last time they found a wounded girl in the hospital and DemoMan got ambushed by hiddens.

Scout(S): Are we safe yet

Commander(Coa): Seems like it.

Paintballer(P): We should try to treat DemoMans wounds

Coa: Good idea Paintballer and Sniper you try to help DemoMan. And Scout you keep a eye on the girl.

Soldier(So): What about us.

Coa: Go explore.

Rocketer(Ro): Alright.

The towers went off to do their stuff scout put the girl in a building and laid her on a couch so she could rest. While Militant and Soldier were exploring they saw a man with a shotgun.

Militant(Mill): Hey

???: Uh hi

So: Who are you?

Shotgunner(Sh): I'm Shotgunner

Mill: Wanna join our team

Sh: Sure.

Transition to scout

???: -groans-

S: Your awake!

???: Where am i?

S: your at a temporary base that the team I'm in are staying.

???: Oh well I'm Allie but you can call me medic.

S: I'm Andrew but you can call me scout.

Medic(M): Well its nice to meet you.

S: Do you think can help our friend he got attacked

M: Sure

Medic and Scout go out to see Sniper, Paintballer, and Commander trying to help DemoMan.

Sniper(Sn): Hi scout i see you woke the medic up.

S: Yep

P: wanna help us.

M: Sure

After a hour Medic was done treating Demo Man's Wounds

M: So he will need to sit for a few days before he recovers.

Coa: Ok

It was becoming nighttime

Coa: Everyone go to bed

Others: ok

To be continued lol

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