Freight Fright + Harbor

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Freight Fright has been removed from the game as of the 29th of October 2020.  -Tds wiki

After the towers were leaving the cave they were going to take a cruise just to take their mind off things. And medic brought Scout, Soldier, And sniper to help Scout could walk again but he couldn't talk as well sniper was still recovering and same with Soldier. And the towers were happy that scout had recovered Commander, Rocketer, Dj, Militant, And Paintballer were at base still getting therapy from seeing some of their best friends almost die from a big Slow boss and a hidden boss they threw the bosses in a meat grinder over and over and over and over again. The towers arrived at the port also Soldier and Sniper were at the Forest Camp but little did they know there would be new tower's at this port. The towers would arrive at the port to see 2 officers on the scene also wanting to take a vacation.

Medic(M): Hey.

Cop 1: Hi.

M: Who are you guys

Cop 2: I'm Electroshocker and that is Enforcer.

Scout(S): Sw..a..g.

NeonRave: *Puts arm around scout to help him stand*

Freezer (F): Well its sure cold out here.

Mortar(M): Yeah.

Driver(DR): Dang.

Sentry: BEEP BEEP! (Danger Danger)

NekoDj(Neko): What?

3 slow bosses came out of a cave and the towers were so surprised that the bosses found them because they were like 15 miles away from the base but you already know the towers would draw their weapons' and prepare for battle and they killed the bosses but the bosses dropped Vitamins, Gloves, And a mask. And medic picked them up and put them on and she grabbed a mirror and looked at herself.

S: Dang ni...ce dri..p.

John(J): Yeah.

ZeroTwo(Zero): Yeah.

MiniGunner(Mini): Dang

And then a giant Blue fast bost busted out of the cave where the enemies were coming from and the towers were fascinated with how many enemies types were. And wondered how they would kill the boss. And john would yell and the towers shredded the big old boss. After that the towers would get onto the boat and got ready to sail.

6 Hours later.......

The towers boat stopped at some harbor and it had a lot of supplies on it and it was huge and there were cranes for building and another boat and a Wearhouse in the middle of the harbor.

S: dang..

DemoMan(Demo): Dang.

Hunter(H): Where are we?

Shotgunner(Sh): No clue mate.

M: Were at a harbor

Enforcer(EN): Yeah that wasn't on our schedule 

Dr: something is here

Just then all of the towers were blown out of the ship and on the concrete flooring and they were so confused and they saw the ship explode and a big zombie come out of the ruins of the ship and the zombie ripped a shovel out of the ground and it roared at the towers and the towers prepared for the battle of their lifetime. The zombie slammed its shovel on the ground stunning Pyromancer, Hunter, And Neon rave got stunned by it. Scout would shoot a flare into the zombies eyes blinding it.


All the towers gathered around the big zombie or as its known as the grave digger the towers used all of their strength and they pushed the grave digger into the water and it sunk into the ocean to not be seen ever again. All of the towers got onto the other boat and sailed off to the base.

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