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Some towers were driving around in Drivers truck and while they were they got into a car crash the ones in that car were Scout, Commander, Gladiator, Commando, Neko dj, Shotgunner, Mortar, And for some reason Minigunner. The towers would wake up in a floating island in the sky confused on what they were doing there but excited for a new adventure. Will they find a new friend or something else? Without Further more lets hop into the story.

Scout(S): W-what?

Shotgunner(SH): What-

Commander(COA): Were on a island? 

Commando(CO): Hmm.

The towers were just exploring and enjoying their time just because they felt like it and blah blah character development. Anyways the towers were wondering what magical properties this island had and wonder what creatures were on this island. Neko dj was exploring a small cave with Mortar and they found a piece of paper on the ground Neko dj realized it was song lyrics and she was super excited to sing them later :D. Scout found a armored vest and mortar found a helmet and gloves. Commander set up a shelter and a fire for the towers to get some rest Scout was texting Engineer to go help them.

Neko dj: A collar UwU

S: Bloody Hell..

Mortar(MO): Dang

Minigunner(M): Its time for us to rest

Coa: You sleep out here with Neko dj Scout.

Co: Lol

While the other towers were sleeping inside the shelter Scout and Neko dj were sleeping outside in the rain with nothing but a blanket and a pillow so they decided to share half and half of the blanket and pillow it was very awkward because they were friends. When it was daytime Scout woke up and a few minutes a car arrived Engineer and Hunter stepped out of truck.

S: Ayo

Hunter(H): Hi

S: Hey-

Engineer(Engie): Uh.

Coa: Oh hey guys. 

Gladiator(GLADI): A house is burning down!

Coa: Mortar, Neko dj, And Scout go help those people!

The 3 towers would climb up the hill to go help the people who were in the burning house there was some injured maid, Pilot, and there was another Furry.

S: Maybe we should let them die.

MO: Honestly we should but they should join us

(Insert long talk about them joining and the leaving the area)

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