Tropical Isles

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Scout, Medic, Soldier, and Sniper went out to explore while the rest of the team would stay back at the Marshlands their temporary base. And while the towers exploring they found a nice tropical place.

Scout(S): Man this isn't that bad.

Soldier(So): Yeah.

Medic(M): Bad place for a base though

Meanwhile sniper is playing Geshin Impact  and scout, soldier, and medic looked over to see sniper playing it.

M: Weeb

So: Nerd

S:  😐

Sniper(Sn): Rude

The towers kept exploring the epic place wanting to find something or someone to add to their team. But later they saw a man with a small dj booth trying out some records.

S: Hi.

???: Hi

M: Want to join our team.

???: Sure By the way i am dj.

Sn: Epic.

But a few seconds later they saw some weird question mark looking enemies so scout shot one and it turned into a normal boss

S: oh no.

They killed the mysteries while dj was rocking out for them but al mysteries turned into Normal bosses.

Dj: Crap

M: Yikes

So: Not good

S: Zoinks

Sn: Jinkies

But they managed to kill the bosses and they were going to get the hell out of there but dj realized he forgot something.

Dj: Wait i forgot my sister and brother!

A few moments later Dj came out with a man who had a black sweater instead of a white one and a little girl who had a pink dress pink hair a belt with a cat on it and a headband that had cat ears on it.

Dj: This is my brother and sister my brother we call Neon and we call my sister neko dj.

NekoDj: Brother I'm scared

Neon: its ok

The whole team walked away proud with three new members and defeating a new enemy.

Next part there will be character growth for NekoDj.

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