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The towers got back from the vacation and the found a asylum industrial area somewhere out in the cold dense world and on this mission very few towers wanted to come to defend their base because they ran into the Grave Digger at the Harbor last time they were out. So they were only sending Scout, Sniper, Soldier, Neko dj, And Commander to investigate the weird things that went on at this place will they find treasure? a new friend? Without further more lets get into the story.

It was a cold snowy night and 5 towers were walking in the blizzard with their sleeves long and down desperate to find shelter they turned to a weird industrial area where they were hoping to seek shelter and there was a building with a light on and quite a few people it looked like some gamboling thing and the towers were curious and got closer to see it was a bar.

Commander(Coa): Better than nothing.

The towers would go inside.

Scout(S): Wow there is a lot of people

Sniper(Sn): Yeah...

Also fun fact Scout was holding neko DJ's hand because she was scared that they would get lost in the blizzard. And Scout felt very embarrassed but Neko Dj enjoyed it. The towers saw a man in a tuxedo and a fedora with a bodyguard next to him.

Coa: Hi sir.

???: Wassup

S: Mind if we sit here?

???: Nope don't mind by the way names Crook Boss.

Solder(SO): Swag.

The towers would scoot into the booth where Crook Boss and his bodyguard were sitting, Scout would wrap around Sniper just because they were bro's. And the waiter came up to the table ready to take their order.

Waiter: Hello what would you like!

Cb: Me and my guard would like some sodas

Scout, Sniper, Soldier and Commander: Water.

Neko dj: Milk.

Waiter: Okay! Coming right up!

S: Im going to get some fresh air.

Scout would hop outside into the cold and sat down on a bench taking in all of the fight against the grave digger while he was thinking 2 people walked up to him.

???: Hey mind if we sit here?

S: You can.

The man and the woman would sit next to scout.

???: My name is Ranger and that's my sister Gun Gale.

S: Nice to meet you I'm scout

Gun Gale(Gale): Seems like your part of some millitary.

S: Yeah

Ranger(RA): Can we join

S: Sure.

All 3 of them went inside and Scout introduced Gun Gale and Ranger to the others and they all sat down to eat lasagna and after that they were ready to leave and Crook Boss decided to join their epic team. The towers would leave the Diner / Bar and then they heard a groan to see 6 Normal bosses the towers swiftly took care of them. The towers were walking back to the Forest Camp now.

Neko Dj: Hey Scout.

S: Yeah?

Neko dj: Thanks for h-holding my hand back there :)

S: Your welcome

Neko dj: *Blushes*

To be continued in the next part owo

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