Forgotten Docks

23 1 0

Eclipse Commander led Scout, Commander, Enforcer, Medic, Soldier, and somehow Neko dj to her base where her Eclipse Scout, Mortar and Ranger where.


Eclipse Scout(ES): Shut up old woman..

ECOA: :/

Scout(S): Epic

Our main and actual relevant characters set up their temporary thing. But while Scout was exploring Eclipse Scout approached him.

S: Oh hey-

Eclipse Scout then stated to kick and punch Scout around.

ES: Hey Wimp and you yee yee haircut and your dorky cloths.

S: And hey and your ugly overrated A** close


Enforcer(EN): Scout What did I say :/

S: Bruh he started it-


S: Bruh

Scout would go to his setup and Enforcer grounded him >:((((( and Scout was pissed and bored to death but he managed to smuggle some candy and movies in and he go a tv from him ;) And he started to watch movies so honestly his grounding was just a excuse to watch epic movies and he invested into Burgur coins.

Medic(M): Can I join the movies?

 S: sure :D

M: Yay :D

Scout and Medic were under a big blanket and they were watching the Back to the future movies and yeah.

Meanwhile with Neko dj. Eclipse Commander was approaching her.

ECOA: Hey Girl

Neko Dj: Oh hey-

Ecoa: Need any advice

Neko Dj: How did you know I need advice.

Ecoa: Yes

Neko Dj: wh-

Ecoa: Ok so uh you got a crush?

Neko Dj: (❁'◡'❁) maybe -3-

Ecoa: Who?

Neko Dj: Scout

Ecoa: W H A T

Neko Dj: ok

Meanwhile with Eclipse Scout. He somehow managed to get Scout to follow him to a construction site looking place.

ES: Lets fight

S: Ok

Scout jumped behind Eclipse Scout and easily Knocked him out easily.

To be continued

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