The Heights

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Last time Scout, Commander, Minigunner, Rocketer, John, Pyromancer, Sniper, Soldier, And Freezer went into this portal after they killed the molten's at the Winter Stronghold and they arrived at this place in the sky the towers would see dead knights wen they arrived to the place and then they saw a man with a sword.

Commander(COA): Hey!

???: Heya.

John(J): Who are you.

???: I am Gladiator and you have arrived at the heights

Scout(S): Cool also-

Before scout could finish his sentence some slows came through the portal and the towers saw that the slows had 48hp?! After the towers finished the slows 20 Hp knights came out and minigunner easily dealt with them a few waves pasted and it was mostly slows and knights then Stone Vikings came out and they slashed at Rocketer and Pyromancer but scout and freezer chipped the Stone Vikings Armor away. Next came out a 700 hp Crystallite came out.


The crystallite ignored freezer and just kept going minigunner killed and the thing blew up stunning Sniper, Freezer, Minigunner, and Commander got stunned. The towers were struggling in the wave but still holding up but then a boulder came flying at scouts head and knocked him out.

Soldier(SO): SCOUT!

The towers were enraged and started to kill the Brute tat threw the boulder at scout and a minute later it died after getting shot to much. The towers realized the Brute had 400 hp. A few more hard waves later 1.5k hp Fallen Hero's came out but then gladiator screamed and shredded the fallen hero's. Commander Yelled and the towers fired faster to chew off the other fallen hero's. And scout woke up after he was hit by a boulder.

S: Ow.

Pyromancer(Pyro): Scouts alive

Rocketer(Ro): Swag

Just then A lot of Crystallites, Brutes, And Fallen hero's came out but then the team saw a big king zombie man

Sword master was the kings name but then it screamed and brutes came out of the ground and it slashed its sword stunning Sniper and Soldier

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Sword master was the kings name but then it screamed and brutes came out of the ground and it slashed its sword stunning Sniper and Soldier. John screamed and the towers felt stronger and Commander did his yell and the towers were stronk the sword master stunned almost everyone but gladiator jumped up and stabbed sword masters heart.

Swordmaster: gg

Gladiator(Gladi): GG

The towers were winners they went back through the portal but didn't expect this they were in a different place.

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