Grass Isle

145 2 0

Commander, Scout and Sniper were walking for a day after they left their camp to look for more people to join them so they can defeat the zombies.

Scout(S): Commander its been like a day can we take a break now?

Commander(Coa): Sure I guess we can take a break

Sniper(Sn): Finally.

The towers started to set up some tents until they heard gun shots and yelling they peeked over a hill to see 2 people in solider like cloths shooting some zombies. Scout and Sniper jumped in and started to help the 2 solider like people. The zombies ran away after they took many casualties.

???: Thanks.

S: No problem

???: Anyways I am Soldier and this is Militant.

Militant(Mill): Hi.

Coa: Hi do you guys want to join our epic team?

Soldier(So): Sure.

Coa: Ok then lets go

The 5 towers went back to where Commander, Scout, and Sniper's base was.

Sn: Yall hungry?

Others: Yep

Sn: Well i massicre- i mean asked some chickens for their eggs.

S: Epic

The towers ate their food and went to sleep for the night.

To be continued lol.

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