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After the towers went back to their base from Tropical Isle's and they sent another group out this group consists of Scout, Medic, Neko dj, Dj, Shotgunner,  And Sniper. And they found this very epic place remising of a old place made in 2010. The towers were on that mission to find more supplies for the whole team to use.

Scout (S): Wow this place is very swag.

Shotgunner(SH): Yeah.

Medic(M): Ill test the resources of this place if they are any good for my research or for medication.

Neko dj (Neko): Okay :3

Sniper climbed up a hill to aim if enemies came while Medic, Scout, Dj, and Neko dj moved up to explore more and shotgunner was just reading a book near the tower.

Neko dj looks at scout and blushes and then looks away.

Dj: Who you blushing at sis

Neko: N-Nothing..

Dj: Do you like someone >:)

Neko: Y-yes....

Dj: Who...

Neko: The man in gray..

Dj: Shotgunner?

Neko: No scout....

Transition to Scouts group

The group saw 2 men a chef looking dude and a guy with a minigun talking to each other and the towers decided to come to them.

???: Oh hey!

S: Hi.

???: Who are you?

S: I'm scout and I'm with some of my team exploring you?

???:  I'm Minigunner and that chef dude is named John.

John(J): Hi.

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Minigunner(M): So uh can we join your team?

Sh: Yeah.

J: Epic

But just then a necromancer type guy appeared and it raised some slows to protect it

The towers started shooting while minigunner shredded the necromancer with his minigun and john also helped with his Desert Eagle.

And the necromancer fell after getting shot enough to die and it dropped some gloves and some shades for scout? and scout put them on and felt very swag.

After that they were all happy and they left back to the marshlands.

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