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One time the towers were driving around exploring the nearby the area the towers that were in the truck were Scout, Gun Gale, Zero Two, Soldier, Driver, Neko Commander, Maid Commander, and there was Commander. And they were just chilling and then they crashed the truck. Scout woke up and the towers were in HELL!? Scout woke up the others and they were confused.

Scout(S): WHAT?

Soldier(SO): AYO WHAT THE.

Gun Gale(GG): WHAT.

The temperature went so high that the Driver had a stroke and he passed out the towers were confused and then some lava titans came out of a cave and the towers started to fire but they didn't have good fire power but either way they managed to kill the Molten Titans. And then more Molten Titans came out of the cave and a HUDGE Molten came out of the cave and the King of the molten had 50k Hp.

Maid Commander(MCOA): What the-

Zero Two(ZERO): Why us :(

Neko Commander(NCoa): He is making my p- 


The Molten boss would stomp stunning Commander, Neko Commander And Soldier the towers that did not get stunned just kept firing their guns and they took about 15k hp away before the others woke up from their stun. They took 10k more hp away from the Molten Boss it yelled and it  ripped the Nether island in half.


Just then the Pilots Helicopter came there and Dj, Crook Boss, Body Guard, Sniper And Medic jumped out of the helicopter to help their friends they were very powerful against the boss and they shredded it and when the Molten Boss faded away it dropped 2 bars of gold.

S: Huh Gold?

Medic(M): Interesting

Body Guard(BG): Huh

Sniper(Sn): Lets get home 

To be continued

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