The return to the Marshlands

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The towers decided they were going  back to the Marshlands and see if they can find a bit more of gold for a special thing they were trying to make and the towers that were sent were Scout, Commander, Enforcer, Medic and Soldier. Before the towers went to explore the new area they went back to the old base they had and just explored it but then they went to a new area and it was nighttime and they were setting up camp but they heard weird sounds.

Scout(S): What was that?

Enforcer(EN): WHAT

Before the towers could do anything Commander came out of nowhere and he wasn't alone we was with a woman in purple clothing.

Commander(COA): Hey guys I met this other commander

Eclipse Commander(ECOA): Greetings

Soldier(SO): What-

Eclipse Commander called in her Scout, Ranger, And Mortar to go to the scene.

ECOA: Come with us you can stay the night at our base.


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