Winter Stronghold

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The whole team were together sense the marshlands caught on fire somehow and they were all cold freezing hungry and tired until they found a stronghold well a abandoned one but it still gave them hope they put the sick ones inside a building they found and covered the cold in blankets and they were worried if they would make it out alive.

Scout(S): It's FREEZING

Sniper(SN): YES.

Freezer(F): We need to hang on Pyro light a fire!

Pyromancer(PYRO): Okay.

John(J): I found a cool paintball mask

John(J): I found a cool paintball mask

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Paintballer(P): Swag

Hunter(H): Yep.

Some of the towers decided to go inside and go to sleep so they don't freeze to death and others went inside just to sleep because they were so tired.

Shotgunner(Sh): Dang its getting colder.

ZeroTwo(ZERO): It is becoming nighttime.

NekoDj(Neko): Yeah

But just then some fire enemies emerged from the cave that was in a mountain and the towers were surprised but then they just started to shoot the enemies and they died and then a portal opened up to another world and the towers were confused so they decided they were going to send Scout, Commander, Minigunner, Rocketer, John, Pyromancer, Sniper, Soldier, And Freezer into it.

To be continued...

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