Village of Despair

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Meanwhile with the other towers that didn't come to go back to the marshlands and some towers were getting bored and the towers that went to explore were Minigunner, Mortar, Ranger, Commando, John, and Rocketeer. And while they were driving in the car they barrowed from Driver they came across some Snowy village.

Minigunner(MINI): Wow

An arrow flew by Minigunners head.

???: Oops...Sorry I almost shot you with my bow.

Commando(CO): What who are-

Archer(AR): I am Archer and this is Frost Blaster.

Frost Blaster(FB): hi

Mortar(MO): ok

Before they could continue to talk Frozen zombies and snowmen started to come out of a cave and after they demolished them and Gingerbread enemies and Burnt versions started to charging out of the Cave.

John: Aw man and we could have eaten them.

Mini: Yeah..

After that Deeply frozen zombies came out of the cave and after they shredded them some Santa ginger bread men started to rush through the cave.

Ranger(RA): I got this

Ranger easily manage to snipe the "PAPA breads" and not even a minute later some presents that had spider legs started to break through and they were king of leaking through. But archer managed to impale the Presents.

AR: Easy

Rocketeer(RO): Dang let me get these next guys. 

After Rocketeer said that Yetis came out of the cave and he shot like four rockets and the yetis were blown into pieces and there was blood everywhere.

Fb: That was violent.



But just then cold rocks flew by the towers and Ranger and John got hit by the giant rocks and they were knocked out. But then Frost heroes also came out to help the Frost Tanks but Minigunner and Frost Blaster swept them.

Ar: Phew

John: Ow.

Mo: We can do this

But then a blizzard started to rage and the legendary Krampus broke out of the cave and after a while he went into his rage mode.



But after a while they managed to kill the legendary xmas destroyer Krampus.

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