Space city + Trick or threat town

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Big crashed were heard through a space city and old buildings collapsing and our towers who have obtained golden powers were trying to get cover from the big king of the Fallen. Scout and Crook Boss who were some of the towers that got the golden powers.

Scout(S): WHAT DO WE DO?


The Fallen King stomped the ground and an avalanche and buildings in the space city to collapse. Scout got knocked out and a few hours later he woke up in the Forest Camp.

S: Wha-

Soldier(SO): Scout you missed the whole fight :/

S: How-

So: You got knocked out :/

The intercom would go off.

Commander(COA): Were going on a mission to a town that got attacked by a big creature!

S: Lets go.

So: Actually I'm staying here to help

S: Ok

Scout would go outside and got into a helicopter owned by the pilot the other 5 towers going with Scout was Dj, Engineer, Commander, Archer, and Shotgunner. The Towers were going to a town called "Trick or Threats town."

A hour later the towers finally arrived at the town.

Archer(AR): Here we are.

Dj: Oh boy this might be hard-

The towers saw corpses of Normals rise from the ground the towers called these ones "Undead" But the towers managed to kill them but then Mummies came out of the cave that was at the town for some reason.

Shotgunner(SH): Oh GOD

The towers easily killed the Mummies and after the Mummies died Skeletons came out of the cave and the towers managed to easily killed them.

Coa: Huh.

Ghosts came out of the cave but Scout easily killed them and Scout noticed he was stronger even though he didn't have golden clothing.

S: What?

Dead bodies of Speedies and Heavy's rose from the dead the towers named them "Buried" and "Reanimated" Anyways Witches came out of the cave.

Ar: You know we can see them but science Below was lazy we cant even shoot them because we apparently don't have spines.

Engineer(EN): Ill break the rules

Engineer shot the witches down and then Slimes and Gooey Zombies rushed out of the cave but the towers shredded them.

Dj: EZ

Reapers and Hallow Bones came out of the cave and they were pushing through the defenses but either ways they managed to defeat the enemies.

S: Ok

Then Vampires and Bats came out of the and the towers were easily able to kill the enemies either way.

Pilot(PI): I'm still here :/

Coa: Ok

Hallow guards came out of the cave menacingly and they were bulky but after a bit the towers managed to kill the guardians.

Coa: Epic we got them

But them something amazing happened the Citizens came out of the broken town and there were 15 of each of them.

Citizen #1: We have to come to help

Dj: Why-

Citizen #2: Because we want to defend our families that are in the back

Citizen #3: And to kill Lord Sinister

Coa: Lord who-

Just then the Lord Sinister charged out of the cave and was trying to kill everyone and it managed to kill 5 civilians. But after a long fight the towers managed to kill Lord Sinister and they got a new unit Toxic Gunner.

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