Crystal Cave

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Scout told Commander about the cave he saw the other day and Commander wanted to see it so they decided they will go to it later when they are ready to go there. Update on other towers cowboy found gloves, John found a Aug A3, Sniper has showed after 6 years because he was to busy playing Geshin Impact, And Medic make some weird drugs she ingested them into a normal and it became a Normal boss. The towers were ready to enter the cave so let the story begin.

Scout(S): Here we are!

Commander(Coa): Swag.

Gladiator(Gladi): These things hurt my eyes.

John(J): I think they are crystals

Medic(M): Can some of you help me harvest these?

Cowboy + Freezer: Sure

Neko dj looking at a shiny crystals with glitters in her eyes

NekoDj(Neko): So pretty :O

Dj: Agreed

Just then a loud thud is heard and the towers look over to see a horde of enemies and the towers were shocked that the enemies even found them. The towers started to fight the enemies and they were pushed back at first but some towers moved up but Scout, Sniper, and Soldier got pushed away from the group.

Sniper(SN): Keep Firing

Soldier(SO): Aye!

S: Guys Look out!

The 3 towers were being beaten by slow bosses and a new hidden boss. Scout got his ribs crushed by the slow bosses weight. The hidden boss dragged sniper along sharp rocks and sniper started to bleed a lot. Soldier got thrown into a wall damaging his skull and his leg got stabled. Neko dj started to smell something dying she turned around to see a mangled Scout, Sniper, and Soldier.

Neko: OH MY GOD!

Rocketer(RO): ???

Others started to notice their friends being killed. And john was enraged he screamed really loudly and starting ripping the organs out of the slow bosses while minigunner broke the hidden bosses bones one by one. After that medic gestured for some help to get their friends off the ground and to safety but it would take 5 people so John, Hunter, Cowboy, Pyromancer, And Neon rave helped carry their friends to medic's building. Some towers took it extremely heavy like militant because he just saw his best friends almost get killed. The towers were all saddened and we will continue in the next part.

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