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(This map is removed from tower defense simulator at this time Winter has been removed from the game as of the 29th of October 2020. - Tds wiki )

The team were in the marshlands and it was starting to become extremely cold in the place so some towers were sent to find a nice warm base to stay at so they don't die of hypothermia and so they can stay healthy so they sent Scout, Paintballer, Soldier, DemoMan, and ZeroTwo were sent to go out to find a place

Scout(S): Danm its cold so glad i have gloves.

Paintballer(P): Dang.

ZeroTwo(Zero): I See a buiding

DemoMan(Demo): Same!

The towers would walk to the weird cottage and they knocked on the door to hear footsteps coming to the door and the door would open and the towers saw a guy with a Ice gun and a guy with a flamethrower

???: Hi.

S: Hi who are you

???: Im Freezer and that is Pyromancer

P: Swag

Pyromancer(Pyro): We had another friend but we had to leave him behind.

Zero: Sad :(

Demo: Yeah

S: Want to join our team?

Freezer(F): Sure

The towers started to go until they saw some enemies that had 60 hp and those enemies were called Strong's the towers started using their weapons to kill the Strong's. After they took the W

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