End of the line. + Forst Camp.

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End of the Line has been removed from the game as of the 13th of October 2019. - Tds wiki

Scout, Commander, Sniper, Soldier, Minigunner, Gladiator, John, Freezer, Rocketer, And Pyromancer went through the portal but didn't arrive home they arrived in this desert the towers were really confused they see a cowboy looking dude and scout walks over to the cowboy to talk to him.

Scout(S): Hey.

???: Hey!

S: Who are you

???: I'm Cowboy

John(J): Swag.

Commander(Coa): What year is it?

Cowboy(Co): 1885 Why'd you ask you turnip kicking swagler.

Before commander could respond zombies came out of the portal and the towers were shocked that the enemies were still trying to find them the towers killed some moltens and strongs. After that a big boi boss came out and freezer froze and cowboy got a headshot on the slow boss.

Rocketer(RO): Good shot

Gladiator(Gladi): Yeah.

The towers would go back though the portal and they arrived at the Winter Stronghold finally and they rallied the other towers up because they were going out to find a base. A week passes and  the towers find a military base to stay at but even better there was some people there was a driver that could drive a guy with a mortar and a sentry was there.

Medic(M): Hi people

Mortar(MO): Hey

Driver: Hey


DemoMan(Demo): Is there enough room for like the 20 of us

MO: Yes

Soldier(SO): S W A G

Sniper(SN): E P  I  C

The towers were unpacking and medic found a place where she can do her experiments and research. Freezer found a freezer. Cowboy found a place to practice targeting and they just had a big thicc base and it is very swag scout realized there was a cave near the base but he was going to tell commander the next day.

To be continued.

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