Autumn Falling

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The team went back to the base to being minigunner and john to the team and they decided to rest for then and a few months passed and the towers have been getting food water and amo to protect the marshlands and they deiced they are going to send Scout, John, Neko dj, Neon rave, Commander, and Militant to go out to explore. And they stumbled upon this nice land.

Commander(Coa): That fresh Autumn air.

Militant(Mili): Yeah!

The towers would see a cottage and they sent John and Scout to go knock on the door to see if there was anyone inside and then this girl came out of it.

???: Hi!

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???: Hi!

John(J): Hey who are you?

???: Oh call me Zero two.

Scout(S): Nice! 

Mili: Zero two is that you!?

ZreoTwo(Zero): Oh my god Zach that is you :D

J: Well we just reunited a family

Rocketer(Ro): Yep.

Neon(Neo): Hey sis.

Neko Dj (Neko): Hi

Neo: So dj told me you like scout >:)

Neko: yeah...

Neko: He's just a little cutie

Neo: Is that so.

Neko: Yep

Scout found a man with a rifle.

S: Hi?

???: Hi.

S: Who are you.

???: Im Hunter

S: Wanna join our swag team.

Hunter(H): Yez

Tbc when next part it winter

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