Cyber City | Arch nemesis

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The towers woke up one day and a portal appeared in the middle of their base and before they could do anything it started sucking stuff up and some towers got sucked in the ones that got sucked up were Scout, Commander, Maid Commander, Ranger, Freezer, Soldier, Neko dj and finally Crook boss and his Body guard. 

Commander(Coa): Wha-

Scout(S): Where are we?

Ranger(RA): I don't know man.

Speakers would start to activate and a broadcast in the room they fell into started to talk.

???: Ah if it isn't Commander

Coa: Its you...

Freezer(F): Who?

Coa: Jack...

Soldier(So): Who is jack?

Coa: My arch enemy 

Jack: Yep welcome to Cyber City and me and commander will talk things out.. So enjoy >:)

S: Sketchy-

The towers were escorted out by two robot human things that had a minigun for one of their arms.

Neko Dj(NEKO) Wow this place is so cool


Those other 420 fans: :OOOO


The towers would run from neko dj's simps. Now to Commander and Jack.


Jack: Because.

Jack would grab a bat and ran at commander and started to beat him


After commander was very brussied he got thrown into a prizon cell and Jack told him that he would kill all of Commanders friends. Commander was to wounded to even try to grab his radio. The towers escaped NekoDj's simps and they decided to send Scout to go check on commander and Scout somehow broke into the building where commander was in and Scout had a sharp knife and he snuck into Jacks office where he saw Jack was watching cocomelon. Scout grabbed the knife and stabbed Jack but Jack shoved Scout away. And Jack grabbed a m9 pistol and shot scout multiple times.


Jack: To late Scout :)

Jack opened the big window IN front of his chair and he looked down to see the long long long fall from the tall building Jack would grab Scout and hold him over his doom and Scouts hat flew off and all of his hair got messed up and even worse it was windy >:(

Meanwhile down in the streets Maid commander felt something fell on her head she grabbed it and it was Scouts hat she looked up an saw him dangling from the window upside down.

Maid Commander(MAID): GUYS LOOK!

Crook Boss(CB): OH NO.

Guard: GO GO GO

The Legos ran into the building trying to make it to Jacks room. Meanwhile with Scout and jack.

S: *cough* *cough*

Jack: I could let you bleed out :)

S: Please...

Jack: NO.

Before Jack could drop Scout into the abyss his arm got shot and he looked over to se Maid commander and Crook boss at the entrance of his room and they shot Jack a lot of times he died Scout fell onto the floor and Soldier started dragging him out. 

Neko: Will he be ok....

So: Hopefully

Coa: Lets go guys this guy has a spare truck we can use

The towers got into a truck and started speeding out of the cyber city and they tried helping Scout. Will Scout die or will he survive who knows. To be continued?

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