Abandoned City

97 1 0

The 8 Legos left the spring island to find new stuff and a proper base to hang out and vibe they had their supplies and they set up their camp in a abandoned building

Commander(Coa): Were safe here! Anyways we should explore the area. Scout, Paintballer, And Sniper go to the hospital. DemoMan, Soldier, and Rocketer go eplore the nearby area. And uh Militant you just uh find food.

Others: ok

Team 1 transition

Scout(S): Were here.

Sniper(Sn): Yep.

Paintballer(P): Ill find Medical supplies

S: Ok.

Scout and Sniper went further into the hospital to see wall covered in blood and bodies of normals around the place.

Sn: Danm something bad happened here

S: Yep

*Cough* *Cough*

The towers would peek around the corner to see a brutaly wounded girl in a hospital gown.

S: Oh God.

Sniper picked up the girl and the towers went to leave the building.

Meanwhile with other team

DemoMan(Demo): Lad's Find anything?

Soldier(So): Nope

Rocketer(Ro): Nope

The other towers went back to base to hear a big ol groan and scout would spot some ninja like zombies and shot them down.

Demoman heard footsteps and then attacked by a hidden and soldier killed the hidden.

To be continued

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