Chapter 7: Severus and Edward.

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It was the last few days of November when the announcement was made for the Christmas Ball. It was a costume ball and everyone was excited about different costumes they could wear. As if that wasn't enough, a Hogsmeade trip was also announced. Everyone was excited except Flora. Flora didn't like balls or parties or any large gatherings. They always reminded her of the parties Karla threw at their home from all the money she got after her father died. She hated how Karla was using that money. Flora was of course asked to 'stay inside her room, make no noise and pretend that she does not exist." They made her clean the entire house and make all the arrangements before that. Flora hated that and so she also hated any big parties even at Hogwarts.

It was finally the weekend and everyone was excited about going to Hogsmeade. No one cared about the cold weather that day. Flora had her breakfast and went with her friends. They were gonna shop for the Ball and Flora was to be their fashion judge.

Flora's friends were unable to convince her to come to the ball. She had never gone to a ball since they started in third year and her friends knew it had something to do with her family. So they didn't force her. 

They went to Gladrags Wizardwears as did most of the Hogwarts to buy their fancy costumes. Lily, Evanna and Alice had tried and bought their robes within an hour but Marlene had to try half the shop before making a decision. On top of that, the girls had a confrontation with Lucinda Talkalot and Corinna Yaxley, the Slytherin bullies, which ruined all their mood. They had made fun of their dresses and called Lily and Flora 'mudbloods' which happened every time they saw them. The girls were exhausted by the time Marlene finished her shopping. Next destination was The Three Broomsticks. 

The marauders were having another meeting. Mathias had decided he was finally gonna ask Evanna to the ball. He wanted to take it slow ever since he heard a sixth year Ravenclaw girl say that girls liked it when boys took it slow. That made it more romantic. Mathias will ask Evanna to the ball soon and with the help of the marauders he came up with the perfect game plan.

The marauders expected James to plan how he was gonna ask Lily to the ball as well but shockingly he never bought it up.

Sirius and James were in charge of creeping up on the girls while they were shopping to know the colour of Evanna's dress. The colour was found out and Mathias bought a matching robe.

Their next stop was The Zonko's joke shop. After buying their prank items for a few months to come they headed to The Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer. 

The marauders saw the girls and approached all of them way too exhausted but nothing could stop them from their bickering. Marlene and Sirius were on their own tangent about who Madam Rosmerta liked better. Mathias was too busy staring dreamily at Evanna to say anything. Peter and Remus were making polite conversation with Alice.

Lily and Flora saw Severus and Edward and much to everybody's disappointment, bid adieu to them and joined the duo. No one ever liked the fact that Flora and Lily were friends with them most of all James. He had absolutely hated Snape when he first met him on the Hogwarts express. He knew him and Rosier's friendship with the girls would not end well. Both of them were muggle-borns and obviously a time would come when Snape and Rosier would have to choose between them or their pure blood 'death eater' friends. James was sure they would choose the latter.

The four were an odd pair to see. Although Severus was a half-blood, most of his friends were the dangerous Slytherin pure-bloods and he often indulged in a bit of the dark arts. 

Edward Rosier was pure-blood. His family was part of the Sacred Twenty- Eight. His grandfather and father had managed to gain enormous amounts of wealth and power in the last thirty years. His father Etienne Rosier was very strict and expected Edward, his youngest son, to achieve only the best. He was expected to become head boy in seventh year, have good relations with the Ministry and marry a pure-blood witch a few years after graduation. There were rumors about his two older brothers Evan and Felix joining the death eaters but their father managed to sweep it under the rug. Edward was crushing under all this pressure and he only shared his feelings with the three people present at the table. Ever since meeting them he was having doubts about the pure-blood purity agenda his father and older brothers always taught him.

The four of them all got butterbears and sat a few tables away from the marauders. Flora could feel her friends looking at her again and again, she gave them a look to stop them. They got into a heated argument about whether Professor Slughorn was biased towards Slytherin.

 After having their butterbeer, they decided to walk back to the castle.On their way back Sev and Ed insisted on taking the longer route to the castle instead of the shorter one. The Whomping Willow was situated on the shorter route and Edward, currently, would do anything to avoid that. 

Just a week prior, Sirius and Edward had a huge fight. They both used to be childhood friends since both of them often met in pureblood gatherings. Ever since Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor, their relationship had deteriorated. That day they had a huge fight which included some curse words and fists being thrown at each other after which Sirius suggested that Edward should follow Lupin through the passage beneath the Whomping Willow.

James Potter barely managed to save him before a full blown, very dangerous werewolf attacked him. This incident disgusted him and even more, the fact that James Potter had saved his life. His hatred for Sirius and James doubled after that and he started avoiding the Whomping Willow at all cost. He only told Severus about the incident and swore him to secrecy. Flora didn't know it yet.


AUTHORS NOTE: Edward Rosier is finally here :)

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