Chapter 22: Apparition and Quidditch.

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The Christmas holidays had ended and the classes were back on track. There was a large sign pinned on the notice board and Flora thought it was another 'James's Mystery Girl' poster. She joined the large crowd that had gathered around and read the notice.


If you are seventeen years of age, or will turn seventeen on or before 31st August, you are eligible for a twelve- week course of Apparition Lessons from a Ministry of Magic Apparition Instructor. Please sign below if you would like to participate.

Cost: 8 Galleons.

Flora relaxed a little and took out her quill to write her name. As she was doing it she heard Sirius screaming "Oi Abernathy! Put my name too. Will ya" and he left running. Flora rolled her eyes and wrote his name below hers. 

As she got to the common room she heard other sixth years discussing apparition. Apparently splinching was a possibility. She ran upstairs and asked Evanna, breathing heavily, about what splinching was. All her excitement drained as Evanna told her about the incident with her grandmother where she flinched her arms. She had spent two weeks in St Mungos.

The first day of the apparition lesson was a disaster. Multiple people had multiple Minor injuries and their instructor left with a headache. 

Between the classes, apparition lessons and Quidditch practice, Flora had no time for anything else. Gryffindor was gonna play Hufflepuff in the next match and their team was strong. Frank was making them practice extra hard. It was clear to almost everyone in Hogwarts that Frank was seeing Alice Fortescue despite their many attempts at hiding it. Flora had seen first hand, Alice receiving letters from Frank over the Christmas break. Alice excused herself to the bathroom whenever the letter came to hide it from her but her smile gave it away everytime. 

Over time Flora got better at apparition as did all the other struggling students. 

The second week of April soon arrived and the whole Gryffindor Quidditch Team was running on four hours of sleep due to their constant practice.

Flora put on her Quidditch robes and the Gryffindor team walked onto the pitch. The entire Slytherin population was cheering for Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw was split evenly between the two.

The whistle sounded and the players kicked off hard from the ground.

Frank came and crushed Mathias into a hug as he caught the snitch a few hours into the game. The chasers had done excellently as well and the Gryffindor team had won.

The entire Gryffindor house was awake well into the night and the common room was abuzz with excitement. The celebration was in full swing and a few seventh years had managed to bring some apple pies and hot chocolates from the kitchen. Remus and Peter came back with their hands full of candies and chocolates. Everyone was cheering and hugging the team, congratulating them for the win. 

Flora sat fine and immediately ate three chocolate frogs. She had no self control when it came to them.

Frank had already announced that he was gonna increase their practice sessions by one hour and the entire team groaned.

Flora was sitting alone in the library. She had finally managed to get some time to do her homework. It had been a few weeks since the Hufflepuff match and between the classes and Quidditch practice, Flora was barely finding any time for her homework. She was writing an essay on the key differences between Human Transfiguration and Cross Species Transfiguration, when she was approached by Edward Rosier. He sat beside her. 

Flora was still angry at him even more because she had recently seen him hex a first year muggle born.

Flora picked up her books and was gonna leave the seat before he asked "do you like him?"

"What?" said Flora.

"James Potter. Do you like him?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"I know it was you."

Flora stared at him. "The mystery girl, I know that's you."

"You….. how could.. you're mistaken" Flora was stuttering her words. 

"I'm not blind like him. I could recognize you anywhere." That was true. Edward was sulking around in the corner of the dance floor, having managed to ditch Lucinda. He was having a terrible time before he saw a figure approach the Entrance. He could never be mistaken about her. It was Flora. Even though she had a mask on and she had styled her hair differently, he still recognized her. He saw her walk towards the middle of the stage and approach James Potter. He was confused. Then they went out together and he followed them. He couldn't take it anymore when he saw the both of them dancing together. It looked like Flora was having a good time. He left immediately for his room. 

When James had put up the posters about the 'mystery girl', he had instantly known it was Flora. He knew James was a bit thick in the head but he never imagined the extent. How could anyone not recognize her when she looked so beautiful. James didn't appreciate her like he did.

And so here he was, trying to understand the situation between James and Flora. It was impossible for him to have Flora now but he didn't want to lose her to Potter of all people.

"I don't know what you're talking about. " Flora replied angrily. Her heart beat was increasing rapidly. He couldn't have known.

"You don't have to lie to me, Flo." He used her nickname.

"Don't call me that" Flora screamed "and what I do and who I like, that's got nothing to do with you." She stood up to leave but he held her wrists.

"It does, Flora. You can't like that idiot. Potter of all people. Merlin!" He stood up and went near her. "You don't see it… Do you? I…." he stopped. Flora was looking at him with tears in her eyes. Edward was gonna cry soon too.

He turned around and left. 

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