Chapter 21: The Christmas Party.

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Christmas was approaching fast and Professor Slughorn had already forwarded the invitation for a Christmas dinner to the Slug Club. Another added problem was that they were allowed to bring a guest with them. Rumors were that it was not gonna be like any other Professor Slughorn dinner. It was gonna be a big party and he was gonna invite former members of the club as well. Flora was not at all excited. Evanna and Mathias were going together and so were Lily and Snape. Much to everybody’s surprise Frank Longbottom had asked Alice if she would accompany him to the dinner. She said yes. 

All the students were drowning under the pressure of so much homework on top of their regular school work. In their Defense Against the Dark Arts, they had till now learnt Non verbal spells, Shield Charm and read about inferi and Banshees. Now the Professor was gonna start the lessons on the Unforgivable Curses. The class was extremely uncomfortable, especially now when there were rumors about increasing powers of a very dark wizard. Most Slytherins had enjoyed the classes and Mulciber and Avery were even going around scaring their juniors and muggleborns. After the bell rang and the class ended, everyone was extremely quiet. No one spoke a word. They were all thinking about the curses and what it meant for the upcoming war. The tense atmosphere followed the sixth year till late December after which the Christmas spirit took over once again.

It was a brutally cold Wednesday, on their last week before Christmas vacations, and Flora was attending the Care for Magical Creatures class. None of her friends took that class which led to her befriending some of the Hufflepuff's, especially Richard Edevane. After their classes, in which they were asked to deal with Doxy's, had ended, Richard asked Flora if she would like to go to the Slughorn dinner with her. Just as friends. She said yes. The two had shared fascination for magical creatures and often compared their notes and attended the classes together. 

Now she finally had a partner for dinner. All her worries were over. Soon it was 20th December, the day of the Christmas dinner. Flora wore her ugly Christmas robes, which she had made herself and had made her look extra peculiar. She met Richard in the hallway and they went together to Slughorn’s office.

The office seemed to be enchanted so it could fit many people and the office was filled with current Slug Club members and some alumni. Professor Slughorn was busy chatting with a well known auror, Alastor Moody, the guest of honor. He was one of the most fierce auror currently in the Ministry and James , who had come to the party alone, was watching his every moment. He seized the opportunity to talk to him as soon Professor Slughorn left him to meet the one of the members of Chudley Cannon who graduated a few years before. James had a long conversation with Auror Moody who assured him that if he did well in his N.E.W.T.S., he would personally become his mentor. Jmaes was really happy after that. Despite that he left the party soon after having a bit to eat.

Flora and Richard were having fun, doing their weird dance routine which they made up during one of the classes with Bowtruckles. Flora had an amazing time despite the weird food they were served. At least they had Tiramisu, one of her favorite desserts. She was also successful in avoiding Edward and James since Richard stuck with her throughout the night.

The next day she was woken up by a strange owl sitting on her window sill. It was a letter from the Fortescue’s inviting her to their home for Christmas vacations. She readily accepted and wrote a letter back with a special thank you note.

The day before they were to leave for the vacations, they went to Hogsmeade to complete their Christmas shopping and buy all the gifts.

Flora was beyond excited when she was packing her bags. Of course she loved spending her Christmas at Hogwarts but she was finally gonna spend it like other people did. She was really excited and nervous as she boarded the Hogwarts Express along with her friends.

Mr and Mrs Fortescue were waiting at the station and hugged the girls immediately as they got down from the train. They had prepared a hearty meal when they got home and Flora thoroughly enjoyed her meal. An extra mattress had been set up in Alice’s room and the girls stayed up till late at night talking and laughing. 

Alice and Flora were given the duty to clean and decorate the house for Christmas. The girls had invited Marlene, Evanna and Lily to the house on Christmas eve for a sleepover. Alice and Flora, who were still not of age so they weren't allowed to use their wands, had to clean the house manually. Then came the fun part of decorating and they went overboard. The Christmas tree had five strings of light and about a hundred ornaments in it. The house was covered with Garlands and lights of all colors. Mr and Mrs Fortescue didn't have the heart to tell the girls that the decoration looked terrible after they saw how excited they were. 

Soon it was Christmas Eve and Mr. Fortescue went to fetch Lily through the floo system. Marlene and Evanna had also arrived. They all had dinner together of delicious roast turkeys, boiled potatoes, chocolate fudge and ended it with egg nogs. The girls then went upstairs to exchange their gifts. 

Flora received a fancy set of quill form Marlene, a N.E.W.T.S exam helpbook from Lily who was already preparing for the exam they had to give in seventh year, a broomsticks servicing kit from Evanna along with a Gryffindor scarf her mother had knit and Alice gave her a box full of Chocolate Frogs and she had also hand made her, her own chocolate frog card which read:

Flora Isabelle Abernathy

Sixth year Gryffindor student and the most talented Chaser of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
Famous for slapping James Potter right after O.W.L.S. and falling off her broom in a game against Slytherins.

It was the funniest gift she had ever received and she immediately framed it to put it on her bed side table. The girls then had a game of exploding snaps after which they all fell asleep. The three guests left the next day to celebrate Christmas with their families.

Flora had a pile of presents near the tree the next day. Mrs Fortescue had given her a box of cookies and Mr Fortescue had given her a book on Quidditch tips and tricks. He knew how much she loved Quidditch. 

The girls spent the rest of the holiday and Flora loved Alice’s parents. The vacation soon ended and both of them were extremely sad.  

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