EXTRA: The Muggle Studies Professor.

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Harry had taken Muggle Studies in his fourth year and was happy about it. Their new Professor, Lily Evans Snape was extremely knowledgeable and everybody loved her.

On Christmas in his third year, he received a gift from an unknown person. It seemed like a bunch of diaries and had a note attached to it.

“Your mother created this enchanted diary and it was the reason your mother met your father. It is a special diary and the instructions to use it are given on the first page. I have replicated it to make four so you can give all your friends one. Treasure it with all your heart! your mother certainly did.”

Harry immediately gave one to Ron, Hermione and Marlene. He was extremely happy. Now he could talk with his friends whenever he wanted. Even in the holidays at the Dursleys.

He would not get to know till later in his fifth year when he would be spending summers at Sirius’s house, that the diary was gifted to him by Lily Snape, one of his mother’s best friends.

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