Chapter 18: The Slug Club.

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The lessons had become increasingly demanding and many students were already struggling. In the midst of this, Frank Longbottom, the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, had announced the dates for tryouts. This was Frank's last year at Hogwarts and he wanted to win the cup at any rate. Especially after the loss last year.

Flora practiced regularly till the date of the tryout came and went with utmost confidence. Apart from Potter and Black, a few other students were trying out of Chasers. Flora was really annoyed when during the trial game, several of Potter and Black's lovers came to cheer on them. However the trial went great and she was selected. So were, to her displeasure, Black and Potter. Again, having barely managed to avoid Potter, she left the pitch. 

In their next Potions class, Professor Slughorn especially called on Flora and Alice to invite them to one of his Slug Club dinners. They both groaned as they reached their room and the rest of the girls laughed at them. The Slug Club dinners were known to be extremely uncomfortable and Flora was not ready for any of that.

Soon it was the night of the dinner and Flora and Alice begrudgingly put on their dress robes. As she reached the common room, she inwardly groaned when she saw Potter along with Mathias, getting ready to go to the dinner. Alice waved at them and Flora made a point to only smile at Mathias. They all went downstairs together. 

Flora, as she stole a quick glance, saw that James was wearing her necklace. The necklace she dropped during the Ball. It was excruciating for her. James kept looking at her direction. She looked really beautiful in that dress. Mathias and Alice noticed that and smiled at each other.

The four made their way to Slughorn's office where a very long table was put up and various fine foods from different parts of the world. Flora and Alice sat together and Mathias and James found empty seats right in front of them. Edward was sitting right next to Alice and all around, the room was full of tension.

Professor Slughorn went around the table, asking people about their families, most of whom he already knew. He asked Avery about his uncle, Bertram, who was a classmate of Professor Slughorn. He asked Edward about his father and oldest brother, Evan, who had successful careers in the Ministry. Edward answered him but was very uncomfortable. He talked about Alice's parents and her uncle Florean Fortescue, loved by every student and adult alike for his brilliant sundaes and ice creams. 

Then the focus came to Flora. Flora was one of Professor Slughorn's most favourite students. She was excellent at all her subjects and was really nice and kind.

He asked her about her father, knowing he was a muggle. He asked whether Flora's father had any interesting muggle job.

"My father was in the Royal Air Force, sir. He was a pilot." She replied. Then she had to explain a bit about what the Air Force and pilot was. Professor Slughorn thought it was extremely interesting and was fascinated by it. In the end Flora told him that her father had died in a plane crash. Then he asked about her mum and she again told him that she died when Flora was an infant. Most people in the room didn't know that. Professor Slughorn apologized profusely and mumbled something along the lines of 'such is life…. what a sweet girl… and to think she's an orphan'

Alice put her hand on hers and they smiled at each other. She was glad Alice was there with her. Mathias too, smiled comfortingly at her. Later she saw James Potter staring at her. She looked away immediately. She didn't need his sympathy. She only hoped that he didn't put two and two together and guessed that she is the mystery girl.

The dinner was finally over and after saying goodbye to Matt, Alice and Flora went to their room. All their friends were extremely supportive when they found out that she had talked about her parents there. She slept comfortably through the night.

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