Chapter 20: Operation Prong's Mystery Girl.

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Flora was up and running by the next week. Well, not exactly running since her left leg still gave her trouble but at least she started attending her classes again. It was December almost and the Hogwarts ground was covered with snow. 

The marauders had finally decided to start their Operation Prongs's Mystery Girl. After the marauders had heard the entire story, they knew they had to unite their friend with his secret lover. The only problem was that the mystery girl was hard to find. She had been extra careful and never let any of her personal details slip. That was not a good thing.

They only had the necklace, which she left behind, to go by. None of the marauders recognized it when James showed it to them.

As time went by, the identity of the mystery girl seemed more and more impossible to find.

The marauders came up with the only solution they could find. They took some pictures of the necklace and made an extravagant poster about it. 

"Help Us Find James's Mystery Girl!"

It read in bold and beneath it was the picture of the necklace. "Have you seen this necklace? If yes, please contact the marauders." The next line read.

They put up the posters on the notice boards all across Hogwarts. When Professor Mcgonagall saw it, she sighed and decided not to get into what the marauders were up to now. When professor Dumbledore saw it, he simply smiled and continued on his way, humming his favourite tune.

All the students were extremely confused. "Why does everything about James Potter's love life have to be on public display?" one of them said to everybody's amusement. 

When the girls saw, they were curious and immediately sought the marauders for an explanation. Flora was being uncharacteristically quiet, not that anyone noticed.

When they reached the common rooms, they could hear James Potter's loud angry voice. He was screaming at his friends.

"Calm down mate" they could hear Remus saying.

As soon as the girls entered, James turned around, announced loudly to his friends that he was leaving and left the common room. He was angry at them for making the posters. It was supposed to be his secret and now everything was out in the open. He was extremely mad at them. If the mystery girl didn't want herself known, now she'd be even more angry at him. Now he'll never be able to find her. Students all around were talking about the mystery girl and a few had even approached him, claiming to be the said girl. Everything was complicated once more.

When James had left, all the marauders sank back into their seats. "Well, that was something," Marlene said as the girls reached the sofa where they were sitting. 

"Wasn't it?" Sirius said as he rubbed his eyes with his hands.

"What is going on exactly?" Lily asked.

"Yeah! What's this mystery girl business?" 

"Aren't you a curious one, Alice" Mathias replied as Evanna went to give him a kiss.

The marauders narrated the whole story with perfect pauses for dramatic effect. The girls were extremely excited after they heard the story. It was extremely romantic and they wanted to help them unite the two lovers. They spent the next hour together, trying to figure out why the mystery girl wasn't coming forward.

Flora was extremely uncomfortable during the conversation. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. The whole enchanted diary idea had immensely backfired. First the whole thing with James and now this other problem. Why can't her life be normal for once? She could not handle so much drama another year.

But she also still didn't want to reveal her identity. She was confused about what she thought of James. She definitely didn't like him but she didn't entirely hate him either. She also didn't know what James thought of her. Does he like her? If yes, then why did he ask Lily out that day?

 Whether she would accept it or not, the stranger was James Potter, therefore, the person she was talking to and had liked so much was James Potter. However much she tried to deny it. That guy was somewhere inside him still. If only he would stop behaving like an immature, arrogant idiot and grow up a little.

Flora's most major weakness was that she was unable to confront people. She had never in her life confronted her step mother or sisters about the way they treated her. She hated them but she never stood up to them. She never spoke up her mind. The same was the case here. She could not confront James Potter. She could not go to him and confront him about everything that happened. 

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