Chapter 9: I'm in Love.

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After much planning and marauders meetings, Mathias finally gained courage to ask Evanna to the ball. The marauders had finally realised that making a public show of asking someone out did not work in their favor. So Mathias had decided to ask Evanna in private. The girls had arranged so that Evanna would go out to the common room at one in the morning where Mathias would be waiting for her.

Ten minutes before the clock struck one, Alice made a big show of losing her favourite quill. Marlene asked Evanna to go see in the common room. After much bickering about 'why can't you go?', she finally went downstairs.

Mathias' nervousness doubled when he heard someone coming down to the common room. It had to be Evanna. He had the flowers he especially hand selected for her in his hands and he had practiced what he was gonna say a million times. When he saw Evanna, he was dumbstruck. 

"Matty, what are you doing?" Evanna asked, trying to be casual but her voice went high pitched indicating her increasing heart beat. Mathias always made her nervous and heart beat rapidly increase. 

"I just… here." He gave her the flowers and mentally slapped himself for being so stupid.

Evanna was surprised. She surely did not expect that. "Oh it's beautiful. Thank you Mathias" she said, suddenly finding it hard to breathe at such close proximity.

"Will you go to the ball with me?" Mathias said way too fast after a few seconds of awkward staring.

She smiled. She was gonna have a heart attack at this rate. "Yes. Yes. I would love to." She said, trying to gather herself.

They both gave each other a smile. A smile that said that I have loved you since forever and I will love you forever. 

They both went back to their rooms to find their eagerly waiting roommates. Mathias went and started jumping up and down over everybody's bed. "She said yes." He screamed.

"Did you propose to her?" Peter asked.

"I will one day and she will say yes that day too but right now, I'm going to the ball with the love of my life." He rambled.

The marauders laughed at their stupid love sick friend. 

Evanna went back to her room to find all the girls giggling. She sat with a dreamy look on her face. "I'm in love,'' she said, smelling the flowers. 

"I cannot wait to be your bridesmaid" Marlene said with enthusiasm only to be attacked by the other three girls all fighting to be the bridesmaid.

"Why are we planning my wedding?" Evanna asked, trying to break the fight.

"A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment." Flora said, perfectly quoting her favourite book, Pride and Prejudice. Lily and Alice swooned over the words. The three girls had a Jane Austen obsession.

"You both are like Jane and Charles." Alice said with a bright smile on her face. They laughed and their teenage romance fantasy talks continued till sunrise.

Mathias' success in asking Evanna to the dance inspired James and he decided to do something really rash and risky. It could go either way but it was the only way to put his mind at ease. In the beginning the identity of the mystery girl was just a challenge for him but now after months of talking with her, he felt like they knew each other better than ever and that they should finally meet.

"I've been thinking of asking this but then convincing myself not to for a while now so I am just gonna come out and say it: I think we should meet in person." He wrote the next night after all his roommates had finally gone to bed. 

"I don't know what to say Stranger. I don't think I am ready for that yet. To be honest, I am very conflicted about this. Don't get me wrong, I want to meet you but then I think of about million ways that it could go wrong. It would change everything and even the idea of losing this, what we have here, scares me.

Please tell me I make sense here."

"I am scared too but I also really want to meet you in person. I am afraid that it would go wrong as well. I am afraid that you are gonna see me and then curse you fate for bringing us together. But then I think of a million ways that it could go right. We won't know till we meet but I don't wanna force you either."

"You know, I made that enchanted diary for my friends so we could talk with each other whenever we wanted, especially during the summers. It was to be my escape when I had to live with my step mother and half sisters during the summer break. I never would have thought anything like this could have happened. I don't ever want anything bad to happen between us.

P.S. I don't think I will hate you that much, don't worry."

"I always wondered why you made this diary. Your step mother and half sisters are a nightmare. No wonder you created this. But on another note, I have an idea.

P.S. my worries are at bay then."


"The Christmas Ball. I'll be waiting for you at 09:00 in the middle of the dance floor. If by that time you feel confident enough to meet me, I'll be there. If not, there is always next time."

"I don't entirely hate that idea."

"Please know that I am not forcing you ti meet me. I would never do that. Only meet me if that's what you really want. But if I am being honest in my heart, I really hope you come."

"Thank you. You're a really nice person, you know. Not stupid, arrogant and annoying as I first thought. I am sorry I called you those things."

"No troubles, m'lady. But hey, I told you I would change your mind one day."

"Don't let it get to your head."

"And talking about heads, I don't think you have the biggest head in the entirety of Hogwarts. I am sorry I said that too."

"All's well, good sir."

"I bid you farewell now madam. It's already three am if you haven't noticed."

"That always happens. I am not even surprised now. Goodnight I guess."

"Goodnight mystery girl."

They both found it hard to sleep and spent the night thinking about each other. 



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