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POV Aizawa

I space out as my students work on their group projects. I'm having them create their own Hero Agencies, setting them up in groups of three and making them find a way to work together, incorporating all their quirks. I should be monitoring to make sure Mineta isn't killed, Midoriya and Bakugou don't start fighting, and so on, but I can't stop thinking about the recent events.

Endeavor was arrested yesterday. I'm allowing Shoto to take some time off, accompanied by Sero, because of everything. I've been more gracious with Tokoyami as well because of Hawks' previous state and his current absence. Everyone is on edge– either that or my paranoia is running rampant again.

And don't get me started on Tomura Shigaraki. After delivering Dabi and Hawks' message and seeing Tomura in person for the first time, I feel sick to my stomach every time I think about the group of villains. They're people, just like we heroes are. Tomura is human... Unlike All For One, Tomura isn't an old and all-powerful god of fear. He's a young man, only a few years younger than myself, who has probably experienced more hell than I can even comprehend. I can't get it off my mind, no matter how much I want to just push it away.

I blame the twinge in my chest on my savior complex.

When school hours end, Hitoshi and I train outside. He's getting really good with the scarf, so I don't feel bad when I end our session half an hour early. "I'm not feeling well," I tell him. "If you still want to train, you can head over to the dorms and ask Midoriya. Maybe spend the night if Hizashi is alright with it."

"Alright," Hitoshi says, nodding solemnly. He throws his bag over his shoulder and starts to walk away, but he pauses, digging the toe of his shoe into the ground. "Um... you'd tell me if you were in trouble... right Dad?"

I find the question odd, furrowing my eyebrows. "I'm not in any trouble, Toshi."

Hitoshi nods, but I can tell he doesn't believe me. "Right, well... just stay safe, alright?"

I give him a half smile, tossing him a water bottle to take with him. "I will. Seeya, kiddo."

"Got it. Bye Dad."

I watch him go, feeling a knot in the pit of my stomach. I hate it when people are worried about me. I hate it more than anything else; I'd rather be burned alive, have every inch of my flesh picked off with eyebrow tweezers. I run my fingers through my tangled hair as best as I can, pulling it into a loose bun on the back of my neck. Slowly but surely, I make my way back inside.

"--And then he took us to the roof," Hizashi beamed to Eri, spreading his arms wide. Both of their faces are illuminated with light, energy shining through the whole house from their spots on the living room floor. "You would've loved them, Eri! They were huge clouds! Big and fluffy and beautiful! Not to mention how comfy they were," Hizashi says with a wink. He doesn't notice me yet, and I decide to keep it that way.

"I wanna see the clouds!" Eri exclaims. "When can I meet uncle Oboro?"

Hizashi smiles sadly, petting Eri's blue-gray hair. "You won't be able to for a long while," he says, "but one of these days, we'll both get to see him."

"How do you know?" Eri gleams.

"Because I love him so much," Hizashi whispers, "more than anything else, and as long as you love someone, they'll never really be gone."

"What a story," I chuckle, finally deciding to join them. Hizashi looks mortified at first, but I give him a reassuring look. A look that tells him it's okay. I know he doesn't love me, and it's fine, really. Before I came along, it was Oboro and Hizashi. It should've stayed that way, but unfortunately, not many things work how they're supposed to.

Even though we're married, Hizashi and I live like best friends. We have separate rooms, separate last names (though that isn't a requirement for marriage), we don't kiss, and we aren't any more intimate than we were before we got married. After all, Hizashi is still in love with Oboro, despite him being long gone. I know that I'm just a replacement for the love he lost, but it doesn't bother me too much. I care about Hizashi, and if this helps him be happy, so be it.

Oboro always said my savior complex was my best and worst quality. When someone is in need, I force myself to help. It's the only way I can find purpose in my life.

"Dadzawa!" Eri squeals like she does every time she sees me. "Hi!"

"Hello, Eri," I say, taking her into my arms. "How was your day?"

"Good," Eri tells me. "Papa Mikey was telling me about uncle Oboro's clouds! Did you ever ride the clouds, Dadzawa?"

"I did a few times," I say as Hizashi scrambles to his feet.

"How about we go to the park, Eri?" Hizashi blurts. "We can bring Deku and Lemillion and have a picnic for dinner. Dadzawa looks like he wants some time alone."

"Yay! Deku! Lemillion!" Eri cheers. "Okay! Bye, Dadzawa!"

"Bye," I say softly, handing her over to Hizashi. He and I don't even make contact, let alone speak to each other. He's out the door before I can even ask why.

I don't bother grabbing something to eat. I mope to my room like I did back in high school, pulling the door closed behind me. I flop on my bed, a headache weeding it's way between my eyebrows. Just as my eyes begin to flutter closed, I feel a cold blade pressed against my throat. Before I can defend or attack, the blade is pulled in a swift, quick motion, leaving a gushing slash across my neck.

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