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I don't remember falling asleep, but I wake up feeling less sluggish than I was last night. My arms and legs are stiff from sleeping on the lumpy couch, but the throbbing pain behind my eyes simmered down throughout the night. Through the cracks in the boarded up window, I can see the sun slowly creeping up over the abandoned buildings and withering trees.

Himiko loved the smell of pine trees, didn't she? She made an offhand comment while we were trekking through the woods. I didn't know her that well, but I feel like a part of me has been ripped away, like my arm has been torn off right before my eyes. The pain reached its maximum and flatlined out. Now it's a consistent ringing in my ears. A wound that won't kill me, but will never close.

"Oh, you're awake," Twice says, glancing at me over his shoulder. I'm half-sitting half-laying down, and Twice is sitting on the floor with his back pressed against the couch. His mask is pulled up a bit, covering his eyes but allowing him to eat his Frosted Flakes. "Dabs! The girl is awake!"

I sit up all the way, hearing Dabi groan and drag himself over to the living room. He still scares the living shit out of me, even after I saw his brotherly banter between him and Shigaraki. Also, his relationship with Hawks calms my nerves a little bit, too. (Though I'm still pretty confused as to how they got together in the first place.)

"Yo, you want some cereal?" Dabi asks me. His outfit is an exact copy of Twice's, minus the mask: plain white shirt and grey plaid pajama pants. I'm still wearing the same t-shirt and sweatpants that I snuck out of Yuuei in. I feel disgusting.

"No thank you," I say.

Dabi scoffs. "You should eat something, kid. You need fuel."

I cross my arms over my chest, trying to warm my skin and stop the goosebumps from running rampant over my skin. Dabi is just scary. "I'm not hungry," I tell him, trying to hide the way my voice shakes. "I'll eat something later."

Dabi pauses, probably sensing my bullshit, but doesn't push any further. He mumbles something about telling Mr. Aizawa, then drags himself to sit beside Twice on the floor. They're shoulder to shoulder, both eating cereal that smells an awful lot like alcohol, watching the old TV hazily.

"Dabs?" Twice says after a few beats of silence.

Dabi swallows his bite of cereal and glances at Twice. "Yeah, man?"

"Himiko didn't come home."


"She is coming home... right?" Twice's voice cracks, his hands shaking. The fabric of the mask covering his eyes starts to dampen. He didn't have to ask, not really. Part of him saw through the bullshit; part of him already knew.

Dabi shook his head, whispering something I could hear. Twice pushes his cereal away, making it spill all over the carpet, and drops his head onto Dabi's shoulder. As he sobs, Dabi looks at me, nodding to the phone sitting on the bar counter. "Call the old lady," he says. "Recovery Girl. Tell her Twice is spiraling."

I nod, jumping up from my seat on the couch.

"And, uh, my password is: iHateMyDad420."

Snickering, I hurry over to the counter and unlock Dabi's phone. His lockscreen is of some emo horrific digital artwork, which is completely in character for him, and his homescreen is a goofy picture of him and Hawks on the roof of an abandoned building. They look disgusting, covered in dirt and dust, their clothes wrinkled and tattered. But they look happy, probably the happiest they've ever been.

I realize that I never took any pictures with Himiko. Could we have run away together? Maybe been this happy while looking this bad?

Well, Himiko's pretty enough to look dazzling even covered in grime. I didn't know how much I'd miss those golden eyes of hers until I saw the life leave them completely.

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